I know about the heat wave - I was in the middle of it (nl)
I’ve read before that the room temperature affects the printing process - especially the quality of the filament. Direct sunlight and a high humidity are killing.
Sadly my problem isn’t temperature related - so I will look further. Thanks for sharing anyway, interesting!
Even for PLA I use my beloved heated-bed. There is only one thing worse than using a glue stick for adhesion and that is blue tape ^^. The problem in the picture was under-extrusion; not enough filament to stick to the bed so it got loose
The sliced models are fine - and I set first layer print speed on purpose on 20m/s.
The M503 is a great tip to check if your motor is set to the right amount of steps per mm!
Just to be sure I unscrew the ‘tensioner’ and put it back together - along with removing the nozzle and cleaning it out that solved my issue!.
UPDATE: as many suggested I removed the nozzle and cleaned it out. Same for the the ‘screw’ part on the extruder. I checked every screw and tighten it where needed. Furthermore I took the ‘tensioner’ apart and screw it back together.
That worked!
Here is a freshly printed bunny to thank you all for your suggestions!
Cool, glad you got it figured out. There is a really nice resource over at bukobot that I have been using for a while now and it works great. Lots less painful than a full tear-down.
nozzle-cleaning [Bukobot 3D Printer Instructions & Docs] 19 Its a really great article and shows exactly what to look for. I have found this necessary especially if going from a very high temp material to something like abs or pla as the nozzle still has a little material in there which can cause flow problems/increased back-pressure in the hotend.
wooooooo nice to know that it works! Great job buddy ! Also, for the printbot, i dont know if somebody told u earlier but when u do longer prints, u must have a cooling system for the extrusion head, for avoid clugs. Like this Extruder Fan Mount for Printrbot Simple by drewsloan - Thingiverse 11
It’s almost silly for me to ask but a lot of problems on my printers arise when the fan that cool down the extruder start failing, almost imperceptible; most of the time when you are not there but it makes the filament softer and thus to under extrude. I’ve been through more than a dozen of those. They still work but they are not that smooth, same on the CTC with the PCB fan.
I used a few old 12v computer fans to blow on the Printers to keep them a lil cool. They can get pretty hot on long prints. A small 12v and put the bot on some feet to allow air travel to pass under the bot.