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Jan 2017

I agree with everything you have said above me. The only thing to keep in mind when leveling is you have to manually move the head to different places on the build plate (there are videos online on how to do this )

of you need further help let me know.


I also just picked up the same PowerSpec 3D Pro 2 printer yesterday at MC. It’s all together but I do have a few parts that I can’t figure out what to do with. There are screws, nuts and 2 little thumb-wheel grey screws with brass inserts.

Are these just spares?

Also there’s the little black piece that I have no idea what it is for. The “sensor” cable shown in the pdf manual didn’t come loose in the box and looks like it’s possible already installed. Guess I will find out on that one.

Not done anything yet to level the bed, power it up, or install the software.

Just found this site this morning and did a search specifically on this printer so this is where it led me. Appreciate any info. Didn’t mean to hj your thread just thought since we are at about the same point in our experience that I would dive in. BTW my spool supports did have 3 nuts on each so they must have just shorted you.

Useful things ha that’s good ! I have seen quite a bit of fantasy character prints etc etc… my interest is mostly functional parts and pieces that I or other people might need.

I installed the duct, put on a reel of PLA, installed the software as suggested in the manual and fired it up for the first time this evening. I wasn’t really sure about this part of it because I didn’t plan to connect it to the USB on the pc. I just wanted to get the basic parameters set and create a file on the SD card which seemed to work ok. I ran a time lapse of the second print since I was not prepared for the first. Stock everything at this point. Will get mirror glass and already have a new hot end pair with nozzles on the way.

Looking forward to trying some PVA supports and some of my own models.

This is what I ended up with.

https://youtu.be/0k-lMmB5xkg 2

Geeez there’s a lot to learn and I’m looking forward to it. Will pick up a copy of Simplify tomorrow…

I did see the post about the strain relief component and thanks for sharing that! Tired puppy now and done for the night.

AHH, That’s what the little black elbow is for!

I attached that to the fan tonight. Running another part right now.

I am attaching my first few parts.

The first pic is a progression. Top left is the first print. Bad. The bottom left is the 4th print. I tried painters tape since I was having a really hard time getting parts off the bed. Doesn’t work very well with the heated bed at 100C!!! It also wasn’t right size wise.

The next print to the right is after I bought Simplify3D and found all the parameters for bed temp, raft layers, etc. It popped off pretty easy and fits. These were the spool adapters.

The last print bottom right is the glass bed clamps. They turned out pretty good except for the drooping.

The engine block I printed on fast, .2mm layers, 60C bed and 205C nozzle. It’s ok but the drooping is bad. I printed this before the glass clamps so I thought the clamps would be ok.

The FU hand pics show the better quality of a smaller layer level, better temp control, and supports.

The main questions I have now that I learned a bit about temps feeds and supports is

1: Why would the finger have such a different texture than the bottom? (granted, this was before I put the duct on the fan)

2: What could I change to make the clamps without adding supports? Or is that not possible since it is a 90 degree overhang.

3: What do you use to get the supports off? Some snap off, but the ones inside the palm of the hand look like a problem. I do have a few dremel tools and various bits but when I tried some they grab and dig in.

I am printing a desktop cell phone stand and it is having some other oddities like blobs and strings so when it’s done I will post a pic of that also.
first_6_prints_small.jpg glass_bed_clamp_w_droop_small.jpg 1st_ls3_block_small.jpg 1st_ls3_block_steps_droops_small.jpg fu_pendant_good_and_bad_steps_small.jpg fu_pendant_supports_small.jpg

What made you decide to order a new hot end pair with nozzles already?

I read somewhere about swiss nozzles but I’m curious about your thought process.

Simplify3D is somewhat pricey but it made such a difference in going from “what do I do now” to wow, I am actually glad I bought this thing!

I did hook up the USB cable. I don’t run programs that way but it’s easier to make changes, like LED colors, leveling the bed, moving the machine etc VS using the built in control panel.

I trust running programs from the SD card way more.

One thing I did learn since SD cards are so cheap is 32g seems to be the max for FAT32 formats. I tried a 64G I had laying around but with windows 7 it formats with eFAT, which the machine can’t read.