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15 / 21
Apr 2015

Yep, you’re not tripping, it used to be easily changeable and now it’s not.

It is still changeable on my Rep 2, MakerWare version 3.6, but i am not surprised. Are you using a 5th gen machine?

Go for simplify3D. I dont even bother with makerware. the support structures are horrible. You can sell 2 cool 3d printed things that can’t be created with makerware and make back the $140!!

The feedrate /90 is the default speed: usually only great @ long X line structures.Generally I use 50-70, unless great detail is needed- I ran Marvin @ 35,The “disabled” heat setting is the ‘max’- or default heat setting.When you change that on the advanced setups, you actually change the ‘disabled’ to a different temp.5th Generation had defaulted (all) to PLA, and all the newest upgrades are only good for crashing you and your car when printing via telephone.go with an older firmware- 2.4- my biggest difficulty is getting my Mac to match the Windows ( which is usually only use to transfer from mac to the SD card.Via USB Stick. some where along the lines, I got lots of stuff goofed up (“Bear with me” story.

Makerbot have number of different machines, so first thing to know is:

What Replicator do you have? 2x, 2 or something else?

Look like you are using 5th Desktop to me but I might be wrong.

Profile as presented is designed for use with 2x. Do not use just anything over any machine. No good.

Feedrate is speed of extrusion.

I would advise you to leave “temperature_disabled”: 230.0 as they are.

This is what I’ve changed:

“extruderTemp0”: 230,
“extruderTemp1”: 230

Temp0 is right extruder temp

Temp1 is left extruder temp.

Most of all, when you create profile be sure to use right template for your printer.



That’s great!! For me this section has always been disabled for the Z18 but But be careful as this will wear out your smart extruder in no time. I have gone through 3 in a matter of months.

Hi Fargo3D

Wow you are getting some good use out of it. Where am I going wrong !!

I was wondering what settings you are using your help would be greatly appreciated. !