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Apr 2015

That’s great!! For me this section has always been disabled for the Z18 but But be careful as this will wear out your smart extruder in no time. I have gone through 3 in a matter of months.

what would wear out the smart extruder? I’ve ran the old extruder on the Rep 2 for over 1400 hours without a problem. Is there some kind of defect in the smart extruder design that is causing it to break so easily? any details would be great since I am considering adding a few new printers to my shop!!!

Alex, will it be general or machine specific or a combination of both…I have 2 Makerbot 2X machines and getting a Stacker3D machine in June.

I only have a Z18 which uses the 5th Gen smart extruder. The error I keep on getting is “tool path error” and having spoken to makerbot in the U.S. Is that by using a higher temperature it wears out your extruder quicker than usual. For me I would say every 4-6 weeks and at a cost of £180 each it does get quite expensive to run.

Well, that’s why you go with the extended warranty. And a new extruder every 4-6 weeks? We’ve put about 500 hours on our current smart extruder with only a few homing error false alarms.

Hi Fargo3D

Wow you are getting some good use out of it. Where am I going wrong !!

I was wondering what settings you are using your help would be greatly appreciated. !