Thanks for the compliments @markembling I see you managed to get your Verification started, great! Postcard should be with you in a few days!
Like @Filemon mentioned we’re working on a Shipping feature as we speak so that should cover those UK issues in a few weeks!
I have updated my address prior to this when I saw the address verification portion, to prevent getting suspended.
But prior to this I used my Apartment address omitting the unit # as this would have been my “primary” hub location anyhow. But not an address I wish to present to my customers. I live in a gated community with little to no guest parking so they would not be able to get to my unit anyhow. My secondary location is at my office which is about 10min drive away… which I am not able to have customers walk in as the company has nothing to do with printing its just something I do on the side personally…
I have never had a customer complain about my location being incorrect as I usually list a disclaimer that pickup is only available as meet up in the local area only. This has actually worked well for my customers and many said it was a lot more convenient for them. Shipping all my packages have a return address which is my shipping box (like a PO but without the mail restrictions) which is where all my bills and etc goes anyhow… Which would make this a valid address, just I dont have any printers located here.
I can see this as being a issue if it was a more major infraction. I saw someone talk about this before in TALK about running a hub in one state and listing a virtual hub with shipping only on the other side of the country… This I can see causing issues with customers… Or listing pickup and not leaving a disclaimer that it is actually a meet up… But otherwise if the listed address of the hub is in close proximity of say a privately listed address used for verification only I don’t see how this should be a issue… All 3 of my noted locations above are within 10min of each other from any direction. Which is normal “quick” driving for this area.
I post you here the URL of the documentation for webservices
(sorry, here, we are french speaking! ;))
I understand that in your case updating the address makes sense, but it does defeat the purpose of address verification, unless we make it clever in some way.
Thanks to everyone for the great feedback on the Hub Dashboard update!
We’re working hard to make the order management better and better and we’ll be tweaking here and there over the next period to improve your experience. One of the first changes is a little UX update in the “My Orders” view (see attached screenshot): you now have two separate view to differentiate incoming and outgoing orders and you can switch from one to the other through the controls in the upper right corner.
In my case, if the current setup works, the updates won’t change much. Another option is to have a checkbox that allows a hub owner to choose to have the verification sent via UPS or FEDEX (or another non-USPS option). This could cost the hub a couple dollars, and would get around problems like mine, as the USPS doesn’t serve all addresses. All other carriers do serve my business address. They’d have to be able to leave the letter without a signature.
i could use my home address, but I like to do pickups and meetings at the business address, largely because sales tax is much simpler to calculate there.
Thanks Brian. I’m looking forward to seeing it and completing verification