While my other post is awaiting approval to go live I’ll repost this. There seems to be little in the way of reviews and user testimonials on the fusion3 F400 printer. I have and have used Delta’s, Flash forge, prusas and a few homemade printers and now have an F400 If anyone wants details, video of prints, walkthroughs or comparisons please reach out. It is a beast of a printer and it works great.
We’re a re-seller for the F400. It’s an amazing printer. We have an F306 that is one of the best printers we have, and the F400 is far superior to that.
The target customer for Fusion3 is not the same as most 3D printer manufacturers so there is very little information in the 3D print world about the fusion. I stumbled upon it accidentally and want people to know it’s worth a look. Especially if you are, have or have ever considered a makerbot (the fusion actually works even in a business setting).
It’s not just a great printer, though. I had a chance to drive up to NC to see their facility and they are just a great bunch of guys that really know how to make a solid printer that outputs amazing prints. I agree that this is a great printer for business settings. I would get one of these over a Makerbot any day.
You know, per every student who has ordered and picked up prints fusions should be in schools and universities vs makerbots. Hands down. With the inclusion of simplify and premade profiles and the offered enhanced warranty (I don’t have it so I don’t know for sure how good it is) this thing would print great at a school. Vs makerbots. Come to think of it every order I receive from someone who has a printer at home, work or school I receive because their makerbot doesn’t work. Thanks makerbot! Your crappy overpriced junk is getting me orders! I’ll just buy more F400s to keep up with demand.
We’ve worked with several schools and have placed the older F306 in university shops and labs. The 400 is far and above one of the best printers of its type on the market, and the folks at Fusion3 have done a fantastic job listening to their customers and making the printer s serious machine for all kinds of spaces.
I keep an active live feed on the Fusion and there is an archive of previous prints (only from June 20 forward are of the fusion) on youtube. Fusion3 F400 - YouTube 39
It runs between 66 and 126 mms at a 100% multiplier. It’s important to take the multiplier into account. Most people who print at 60mms do so with an 80/70/60 or similar set of speed reduction multipliers. The fusion runs at 100/100/100 multipliers for outlines/infill/supports. Right now (the purple print) is ABS at 100mms.
Looking to purchase this printer and even though this would be my first step into 3D printing it looks like it would last me a while and handle my needs for some time.
Can you confirm that you still happy with they printer and its printing well. What’s funny is I started to look at the Zortrax then the makergear, then Cubicon single, now this.
How do prints that cover the bed length come out as far as warping ?
If this will be your first step into 3D printing I’d recommend two things. 1) Use the filament Fusion recommends with the printer. 2) Get the advanced/enhanced warranty package. The extra warranty part (which I do not have) includes the ability to call/email and ask questions about printing specific models and how to tune the printer’s settings for the best quality.
Also the fusion is the only one out of the group you mentioned which comes with a simplify 3D license. If you are price comparing, that should be taken into consideration.
Using PVA glue for ABS, PETG and PLA I have had zero issues with warping and zero issues getting prints off the bed.
First printer recommendations are really more about matching the use case to the printer. What do you plan on printing? How often? How much time will you have in the same room as the printer? Do you have space or power concerns? What materials do you plan to use? Etc.
Bcn3d sigma, ultimaker 2+ extended, zortrax m200, mankati full scale xt and one or two others. We spent 90 days looking through specs. The fusion is the 12th printer to be bought or built here including prusas, flash forge, Rostock. Right now I’m debating the markforged or another f400.