How strong will this face plate (attached) be if printed in proto-pasta stainless steel? I want the face plate to be able to take a beating? How strong will the rest of the helmet be if printed in this thickness, assuming you know iron man’s helmet? Thanks. FacePlate.stl (3.3 MB)
Are you trying to print it or get it printed? I’d say test it or order a sample print. If you need to know how thick to make the model order a set of sample plates 1" x 1" x 1/16,1/8,1/4 or whatever thickness you are thinking of. I order custom materials (within reason) for sample prints when it’s requested. I’ll normally print off the rest of the spool on giveaways or props.
If this is the case, how does the carbon fibre filament give more strength? I imagine with a good enough melt of the lower layer, the stainless steal may give added strength benefits.
I’ve not actually printed with this stuff though, so I have no idea
Would you be able to print some of these face plates out as a test and mail them to me? I would love to see the different thicknesses. You can just print them in PLA.
That model is not a simple or efficient print so no, you would have to order the full prints. This is why I suggested small plates of different thickness. They can be printed on a non-production printer and don’t require as much time or material as the full model. Plates would give you a way to see how the different materials hold up and what they look like.