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23 / 33
Mar 2015

Hi Florian, please attach a screen shot of the Preform image or the .form file. Thank you, Ara

Hi Florian,

have you tried to move your part to a different position of your build platform?

Let me know if you have the same results…



Your part orientation is all wrong and likely the only problem.

You cant print parallel to the build platform.

Angle everything!

Oh sorry I couldn’t see all the replies to your post until after I posted and it wont let me remove or edit my post…


-Scroll through the layers in preform, do they all look right? Sometimes bad STL’s can cause Preform to show the model, but it doesn’t slice it properly

-Check your tank bottom for clouding

-Do other models print fine?

-Upload your .form here and I have a look at it