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Mar 2015

Florian, you need to rotate the part so that there are no big surfaces at the beginning of a print.

The principle how a Form 1 works is that the laser is curing the resin on the bottom surface of the tank.

The platform is peeling the layers away from that surface. So you can imagine that a bigger area at the beginning is more difficult to peel.

Just have a look to this tutorial http://formlabs.com/support/guide/prepare/model-orientation/ 5

Hey Guys, Thank you very much for your advice! I just started a new print considering you suggestions. I’ll give you an update tomorrow as soon as the print finishes.

Thanks for your insight. At least the temperature thing i can rule out, since we monitor this tediously. Even FDM printers are really sensitive to temperature cahnges.

The only other suggestion I have that I have not seen made is to increase the density of supports. I have had some models that just take more supports than others to print properly. And yes you will use more resin for supports however you have at least 2 failed prints that uses resin too. You might want to empty the tank and filter the resin before refilling. Cleaning the tank and filtering the resin is always a good idea after any failed print. Use a funnel with a pipe filter screen or a paint filter. Floaters in the resin can really cause lots of troubles. They do not always affect the base because they are squished out to the edges. As the part builds they are drawn back into the center where they block the resin from curing to the already built part and or supports. Once you get any gap at all the part degrades and can fail completely.

I have a question about what I see in the current images showing a completes print.

What is the Orange tape for? I’ve never used that before. If anything, my parts always seem very difficult to remov from the bare aluminum build platform.

Maybe its a bit confusing, sorry for that the second picture shows the print curing on a metal plate, which is a heated bed from a RepRap Mendel design of us and has nothing to do with the Form1 we just placed the part there. The orange tape is Kapton tape. It is used with FDM printers to get a better adhesion to the bed.