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Mar 2015

Want to print full color textured, high definition 3D selfies (shapies, figurines) or however you wish to call them. So far have used Kinec to scan. Eva scanners are good but expensive ! Would you recommend having scan files made with Cubify SENSE 3D Scanner instead? How is your experience ? Makers with Projet 660 or Z650 printers opinions specially welcome. Please answer soonest from anywhere in Europe and become our printer!!! Many thanks. L

  • created

    Mar '15
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    Mar '15
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These scanners are good for doing selfies/people etc, not great for small objects, we use them for people as they also do hair very well.

Good powerful laptop/computer to run it so it doesn’t lose the tracking as you rotate if taking in a lot of information.

The SENSE SCanner is good but very difficult to use, it is good for head and shoulder scans but it is impossible to scan a full body, well i have not been able to do this with it yet and i have tried various methods, scanning by hand, using a tripod and having the subject on a spinning platform, but none have worked.

Hi we are based in London and have a projet 660 we use the 3D Systems Sense scanner and seems to work fine we also use the Fuel 3D scanner for the facial scan as it picks up better detail. Please dont hesitate to contact me at https://www.3dhubs.com/london/hubs/abc-imaging 2 if you need further assistance.



i would recommend the photogammetry for high definition 3D selfies. Here you have the best results in colour texture.

You can either use 60 to 120 DSLR cameras (could be expensive) or a raspberry pi scanner system (complete scanner system about 10k€).

I have built up a raspberry pi scanner system with 80 cameras by my own, works pretty good but the lighting is a challenge.

Advantage is that the scan itself only takes 0,1 seconds,

Disadvantage is the modelling takes about 1-3 hours (depending on scan quality and repair effort).

Software is Agisoft Photoscan.

Hi LAD3,

We specialise in the production of full body human figurines using a Z850 printer (the largest available!). We have more than two years experience in this field and in combination with an Artec scanner we have learned all the little tips and tricks there are.

We are based in Greece and so far we ship domestically, in Belgium and in France. We would be happy to become your supplier as well! :slight_smile:

Check out our site https://www.3dhubs.com/athens/hubs/solid-3d 5

If you have any further questions about scanning and or printing human figurines, we’ll be happy to help!


Solid 3D


Every scanner technologies have pro and con. We usually print with our ZCorp many object directly 3d modeled and textured in software, but when we have to print scanned objects, we need to do a little pre-process for achieve the best result with really nice colors, and of course we have developed a method to finish our print, that extract colors like no other method. If you are interested you can contact me, i can print your models and support you in every steps. Of course i can offer you a 50% discount on a sample, just send me your test file.



I’ve got old Z510 and I have toyed with an idea of scanning people and printing miniatures of them. I’m looking for budget solution to this as I’ve spent most of my money when I bought my other (new) printers last year.
I was pleasantly surprised with result when I scanned a teddy bear with Kinect 360 using demo version of Skanect software but I didn’t print it. I still haven’t made up my mind on the subject and if there is some other reasonable budget solutions I’m extremely interested in them.


We’ve been scanning and printing with Sense and ZCorp and, to be honest, there is a curve of learning you need to go thru.

First, Sense will be good only for head and shoulders. The info taken for a whole body is not good enough for a product that you plan to sell to someone…

Since Sense does all the reverse engineering for you, closing all the holes you may have left in the model (and other problems you might have), you have to know in which parts you have to pay more attention, such as ears, neck… Even a haircut can be problematic!!

Then there is the light… Sense is going to catch the colors as you see them… with all shadows… and what you are thinking is to directly print from the result coming out of Sense’s software, right? Then you need to have a constant warm light coming from the scanner… We used a torch attached to the top of it…

The results we got, after a couple tests are quite good… however, you’ll never get the quality the others can get, since they use much more expensive scanners, and probably they do reverse engineering…bla, bla, bla…

But, since you don’t loose that much time in each client, you could scan nice busts and sell them cheaper !!! (we can talk about good price per bust, depending on the number of units you order), which is the only way you could compete with the perfect-colors-and-form-full-body prints that many other are doing…

If you want to keep talking about this, don’t hesitate to contact me: https://www.3dhubs.com/madrid/hubs/telecor


He, I have a ZPrinter 650, and would be happy to offer service. A lot of free time, can service you fast. And it is difficult to get better quality than 650 offers…

I have tried some scanning with 3D Systems Sense, but software is useless. Then tried with Skanect software (trial version), looks much better, but still some problem with export of files.

Hi Lee, thanks for your comment on this post. Just a heads that I moderated your email out and would really appreciate it if moving forward you’ll use a link to your hub profile as means of contact. Cheers!

Hi guys, thanks for your input! Moving forward, could you please use a link to your hub profile as a means of contact? I took your email out now, but please keep it in mind for next time. Cheers :slight_smile:

First of all, the Cubify Sense is far from high definition. It will give you selfies that lack precision in texture and spacial resolution. We have a couple here and we just don’t use them. It is good for non-commercial use.

I would recommend using an Artec 3D scanner. It is much better. We do a lot of color prints with a Projet 660. With the limitations of any color 3D printer, you can’t afford to have a bad source file - it would only make the prints worse.

We are in Canada but perhaps it could still work. After all our canadian dollar is not doing well right now.

I’m unsure on the lockdown that I expect there is on the 3d systems version, but ideally based on your statements, you would want to get a structure io and run the aftermarket app itseez3d. While lower quality then an Eva, for the difference in price, it’s more then acceptable. There are several companies out there that will do touchups on the scans for a low cost. Basically you also want to ensure you have the correct setup. It’s best to have a turn table for the person and photo lights on both sides of you to ensure consistent lighting. This set up only cost about $700 but really improves the quality of the scans.


Hello, We have a Projet X660 and we commercialize full body 3D Scanner.

We use a 3D Scan Sens Cubify with Recfusion (possible with Reconstructme and Skanect) which is better than the 3D System’s software.

The most important is to have :

- Good lighting light

- Full body 3D scanner (turntable, automatic vertical rail with universal support for 3d scanner)

Have a nice day !!

For printing 3d scanned with a particular texture or color scanning application we found the press by Projet 660 ( http://www.gaiasolution3d.com/prodotti/stampanti-3d/projet-x60/ 2 ) have no terms of comparison is terms of cost and quality.
We based on our experience we use the scanner manual professional Open insight3 technologies that you can find on our website showcase ( http://www.gaiasolution3d.com/prodotti/scanner-3d/scanner-3d-insight-3/ 2 ) or by a stage of our creation that will be soon on the market .
The result of these two combined equipment was excellent .

Wonderful to get well ground feedback from all of you ! Tks. I am assimilating info and will be answering individually to you shortly.

One thing is clear and is that SENSE 3d printer is out of consideration for professional use. While most probably will buy an EVA, am meanwhile

interested in low costs alternatives (Kinect and a couple of etceteras). With your support i may come out with a couple of printing qualities,

high & super high or so…