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19 / 23
Mar 2015

Wow, that print turned out amazing. Props on the design! How do you like Modo?

Great project guys! Looks amazing

I was wondering though about your support structure: did you use ABS or PVA? And if you used ABS, wasn’t it a lot of hassle to remove it?

Good question, I was wondering that myself :wink: I know Elwin used white ABS for the model. And looking at the screenshot, the statue (tall part) was filled up all the way. Would be a bit of a pain to remove all that given the length of the top object. Although you could leave up in the 2 heads part
don’t know how about becoming brittle over time
wouldn’t be nice to find plastic among the ashes :wink:

I really like Modo, I have been using it since version 201 I think. It’s very easy and fast to get some mockups done or just good modelling, especially with this kind of thing because I can use it’s metric system to size everything accordingly. I could do this in Zbrush but I find it much faster to just go into Modo and place everything exactly. From there on I have something that is consistent in size and proportion. All I have to after this is have fun in Zbrush. (although Modo has sculpting tools too btw! but in my opinion Zbrush is much more superior in the sculpting business)

lol, no that wouldn’t be nice I guess :slight_smile:

For a project like this you would want the inside to be nice and clean
 so, if Elwin used ABS support I am curious how he handled it

Nice work! Really nice of you to share this to the 3d hubs community, thanks!

Oh my goodness. This
THIS is great! (Not trying to be sarcastic). This is a great thing here. Have not tried zBrush, I mostly use Maya/3DS Max myself. But might give it a try.

I can definitely recommend it that you give it a try! I have used Maya and 3DS Max as well, although a long time ago and nowadays sometimes for extracting some models for games/scripts etc. The latest version (4R7) is incredible and 64-bit as well. These days I do a LOT in Zbrush only, I can prototype stuff really fast and most of all I can get detail in models like no other 3D package without crashing my system :stuck_out_tongue: The user interface can quite daunting though
also, Zbrush has a bit of a different approach to modelling, it really is almost like sculpting. Thankfully, the new Z-Modeler is god-like for hard-surface modelling :stuck_out_tongue: You should check some demo’s on youtube I you get the chance. (PS: I’m just an enthusiast, I don’t endorse Pixologic :stuck_out_tongue: )

I’m very new to Z-Brush, so these screenshots work great. Can anyone give any comments on how Z-Brush compares with Rhino and/or Blender? I know from Blender one can do almost everything using the keyboard, granted you know the shortcuts
 Rhino I like for fabrication automation

Well, to be honest, you can’t really compare it I think. Rhino/Blender has the same basic thoughts on how to model stuff as Modo/Maya/3DS Max/Lightwave has
 Ofcourse there are a lot of features in every 3D package that are mostly similar in usage and goal, and every package has it’s own field of area in which it excels a bit more then others. I use Modo frequently because of the ease and speed for which I can create something. Using Blender or Rhino has the same experience I think, granted you know your ‘stuff’ so to speak :wink: Shortcuts etc

Zbrush works has also some same basics ofcourse since it’s a 3D app. The big difference is the mindset behind it. If functions more luke sculpting and reallife modelling (like with clay) then traditional modelling.They only thing, in my opinion, that has more advantage is the fact I can work with millions of polygons with ease and put in a lot of detail. Of the best features Zbrush has in, once again, my opinion, is the Decimation Master plugin and the Z-Remesher functionality. I can trim down a model from 10 million polygons to roughly 50.000 if needed and preserve detail. The Z-Remesher tool lets you do the same but calculates nice and even quad-polygon’s over the whole model. Besides that, the other remesh function lets you do booleans with ease, add and subtract whole meshes together, remesh it with nice geometry and voila! you got your watertight mesh ready for printing :smiley: Ofcourse it takes a bit more careful planning with in a very tiny nutshell: that’s it! :slight_smile:

So for rapid prototyping, especially for toy’s, figurines, game assets etc etc, Zbrush is becoming more and more involved and used. I know it sounds like I’m sort of Zbrush preacher here haha, but I assure you I’m not! :slight_smile: I just talk from my own personal experience. I was planning on posting one of my projects I did for a miniature-gaming company. The stuff I made for them, I think I could’ve done it in a traditional 3D software, but Zbrush just saved me weeks of time
it’s just much easier and faster to achieve the goal. Once you learn to use it (as with all software I guess) there’s no limit :slight_smile: Sorry about my rambeling here! Just a passionate 3D-designer :stuck_out_tongue: You can find lots “classroom” video’s over at the Pixologic website: www.pixologic.com

ow! forgot to add, the new Zbrush 4R7 had a Keyshot bridging feature. I don’t know if you know Keyshot, it’s a easy to use rendering program
just load in a model and a few clicks and it looks good enough to show as concept. You can now bring your high resolution model/mesh over with a single click from within Zbrush. Just wanted to show that for Zbrush, they are trying to give people more time to have fun with modeling and less with tinkering and settings etc etc
can be very tedious sometimes working in 3D.

I did use ABS because i can’t get my second extruder dailed in good enough. There is always a bit of shifting compared to the other extruder. So if i would use PVA it would touch the outlines of the ABS wich would ruin the object. Thats why i only use one extruder.

I have to say that simplify 3D handles supports really Well and they are easy to remove with bare hands or tweezers.

I agree that PVA would be the best solution.

I do like simplify3D myself. Sorry to hear you cant get the dual head tuned. I have the duplicator4 also and it van be a hassle but i tweaked in replicatorg and i was able to get it right a couple of times. Unfortunatly you have to do it often and i haven’t tried s3D tot handle it. But good to know support like this can be removed easy. Thanks for sharing

Surely is, Gabriela! Thanks everybody in this process of making it know :wink: