Hi, so I’m printing this vase for a girl I like. The thing is, you can clearly see the 3D print lines and the surface is kind of rough. What is the best way to get rid of this? I am printing in PLA btw.
The best way is quite subjective. It depends on the person, the skillset, the budget etc. Xtc-3d by smooth on along with similar two part casting resins can coat a print and give it a clean smooth surface. Priming and painting. Glazing compound. Sanding and polishing with buffing wheel and compound. Rock tumbling with various media and polish. I’m sure wax dipping is a thing though it may warp the PLA…
I thought I had a youtube video for you but I don’t so I will try to explain in text.
You want to use sand paper as acetone doesn’t work on PLA. Depending on the thickness of the model walls depends on what grit sandpaper you use. If its a single layer wall its going to be hard. If the wall is 2 or 3 layers thick and is 300+ microns than start with 150 grit. If 250- microns start with 250 grit and work your way down. I print with 250 micron layers and 2-3 layer wall thickness and start sanding with 250 grit and work my way up to 2000 grit. I go 250,400, 800, 4000 grit. WHEN YOU SAND MAKER SURE YOU SAND IN A CIRCULAR MOTION as the purpose of sanding is to make smaller and smaller scratches until they are invisible to the eye.
Don’t push very hard you want the grit of the paper to do all the work. You can use the 4 grits I said or you can add an additional in between 450 and 800.
May I ask your detailed procedure? How to heat resin? Use hot water or heat directly? Do you heat the resin before or after mixing the hardender? Thanks.