I got a FF Creater Pro last november, and it’s started to go wrong!!!
It’s an amazing machine, just keeps going. Till it stops…!
This has been happening for a week or so. It only happens after I have been printing for a while each time…
I printed one model without problem, and then this started to happen with the next one. As you can see from the attachment, the left-right axis (is this x or y?) starts skipping. The model at the front is was the first try, and then the one at the back.
Hey - Shifting layers can happen when one of the pulleys is not secured properly to the axis/axes. The pulleys may need some tightening with a set screw.
This article 35 goes into a bit more detail troubleshooting this issue - Hope it gets you started in the right direction.
Great answer. Does your FFCPro also suffer from intermittent stops? Or where the printer might cease mid-print and slow move toward the X or Y axis? -Andy
The other thing I’ve seen, though not on the FF, is if the head catches on the print. Can be caused by crud on one of the nozzles, too much plastic being extruded, or the print warping off the bed.
About the intermitent stopping, do you get an error message on the lcd screen? I have the FF creator X, and I noticed that I have to keep the bottom of the printer free of any stuff that could prevent a nice clean ventilation. Otherwise, it would freeze.
I have experienced the exact same problem on my Creator. The problem was the timing pulley slipping on the motor shaft.
Tightening the set screw fixed the problem…for a while. Taking a closer look I realized the set screw was contacting the motor shaft at the very end so it would eventually vibrate itself loose. I had to flip the pulley around on the shaft so the set screw could do its job. Haven’t had a problem since.
To bring it back to personal lubricants, talking to a colleague, he recommends, that we are talking about indoors, not needing heat or pressure resistance that Vaseline would be a perfect and cheap grease.
Make sure acceleration is turned on via the lcd for speed ramping. Large builds may hit the limit switch and make the stepper skip. Check the stepper cable. Wiggle it while printing. Check pullies, tighten belts ect.
are you sure the nozzle is not hitting the print? I had to adjust my nozzles the left nozzle was lower and kept hitting anything i was printing with the right nozzle. The result was something like i see in your photo. Once i adjusted them I did not have this issue anymore.
The Vaseline works great, it’s light and clean, cheap and easy to apply.
But that was not the problem, and it’s got worse…
I can move the easily print head manually, so the motor is not jammed, but when I print, the x axis does not move and it makes a terrible noise like it’s trying and something it stopping it.
I read something a while ago about the cables taking a lot of wear and tear and needing replacing?
Wow. At this point, I would check the stepper itself? I never had to do that though, but that would be my first next step: trying to remove the belt and see if it rotates using the lcd panel manual commands.
I’m not sure if you got it or not yet, but if not, and hopefully link’s are aloud here, I would check out www.3dprintboard.com 7 , they have a whole section for Flashforge, with a lot of people that know the in’s and out’s of the machine. I almost guarantee you can find your answer there if not yet