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26 / 26
Nov 2015

Wow. At this point, I would check the stepper itself? I never had to do that though, but that would be my first next step: trying to remove the belt and see if it rotates using the lcd panel manual commands.

hmmm… Hadn’t thought of that. Without taking the belt off, X-jog commands work fine, but then it always seems fine when I first switch it on…

Need to go to work now, will experiment more later.

I’m not sure if you got it or not yet, but if not, and hopefully link’s are aloud here, I would check out www.3dprintboard.com 7 , they have a whole section for Flashforge, with a lot of people that know the in’s and out’s of the machine. I almost guarantee you can find your answer there if not yet :slight_smile:

If it’s only occurring after some time has passed, it could well be that the motor is on it’s way out? I would hate to think so, but I can only suggest swapping the X and Y stepper motors around to see if the problem moves with it.

- Andy

i think your Stepping drivers are over heating! i used to get this exact problem with Ramps Electronics, put a bit cooling fan over them and the problem went away! maybe if you can open up the area where the Electronics are and get a fan to blow air across and see if it makes a differance!

Good Luck

16 days later

well… I ended up having this same problem… The stepper would make a grinding noise then the print would shift to the right. creating steps. I re-wired the x axis stepper and the problem was solved.

7 months later

I am having a very similar problem.

In my case after about 10 minutes of printing, I will get a very brief grind from the stepper motor, which will cause a shift in the x-axis. A few minutes later the unit grinds terribly and the head travels randomly off the print grinding the whole time.

This appears to be an electronic issue, I have checked all set screws and oiled the rods. The x-axis will not jog making the same vibrating/grinding noise *until* I power cycle the machine. After a reset, the jog test on the motors is as smooth as can be.

I am experimenting with possible high temperature issues and am considering buying replacement cable, motor controller and Stepper motor.

By re-wired do you mean you replaced the wires between the stepper motor and controller? Or the wire running from the controller all the way back to the mainboard?

24 days later


My shifting issue and stepper motor grinding problems have been resolved. Since the company was paying for it I ordered a replacement stepper, controller and cable that runs between them. I then replaced the parts one at a time.

It was the cable. This thing is working better than new. Apparently that cable has been a problem for some time.