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May 2017

Howdy, first… Don’t let it get you, it is a machine and you are only human. No problem, you can do this! First, get some blue painters tape and try that… Cheapest way to test and easy to replace. (or you mess around with generic auqanet hair spray but I avoid sprays) As for leveling, I use a regular sheet of paper but I also print a skirt of 5 rows about 5 mm from my prints and give a manual adjustment because I have a removable bed and I have to adjust it every time I remove it. Also, make sure the leveling is done with bed warmed up if you print with a warm bed because glass will change shape. (also you are assuming it is flat, and it’s from an old window, so may not actually be flat!) Also, The curling part at the start is just static attraction and the filament when it starts, very normal, you just gotta get it off before you print. What software are you using? My S3D (no, not a requrement…) starts a print over the edge of the bed and extruded a chunk of filament that eventually pulls the curled part that happens at the start, off my nozzel and off the bed. That is in the startup script, and can be found if you need… I just don’t have it now on my phone. Hope this helps some… Don’t give up!

Every comment is correct accept for one thing. While yes you must have something on the bed for adhesion with ABS and the manufacture says the printer will print ABS. You should not for safety sake use ABS on this brand of printer without first upgrading the inside controller board with an Mosfet board. I have burned up two Di3’s (one nearly caught fire). The onboard Mosfet is not designed to maintain temps above 190c for extended periods of time. Even 190c is pushing the envelope. Look in the hub there are easy to follow instructions for doing the upgrade and it requires no solder. It you are smelling any odd odors coming from your control box stop while using your printer turn it off immediately and call whom you bought it from to ask for an exchange. This may mean you have already caused serious damage to your controller board.

BTW some of your issues with the nozzle may have been a clog from when you had misleveled it and it scraped up material into the nozzle end.


Thanks! I guess I should build an enclosure. Is that to prevent drafts from messing with the temperatures? How much of a difference do you find it makes?

Thank you everyone for your advice. I have a new hope (“Help me Obi Wanhao, you’re my only hope”). Got some playing around to do over the next couple of days. I’ll let you know how it goes.