I own an Afinibot A3 3d printer (prusa i3 clone) and have a problem. I have the object set to the center in Cura, but the printer prints a couple inches to the left of the center. What is wrong with the printer?

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Which version of Cura?


This is the configuration for my Afinibot A3. Do You match this?

Everything is the same for me except that I have the height set to 180.

take a pic of your A3 to see x and y axis

I’m not sure if this will help or not, but here’s the picture.

I can see on the left of the carrier too much space between the carrier itself and the x-end stop. If A3 assumes that the x-origin point is for example 2cm at left of the bed it considers that the real start point is that… then you have to add a gap in x to correct it. Later I’ll send you some pics

Here is…

I don’t use Cura for Afinibot A3, but Repetier-host and Slic3r. This solution permits to set the offset before the nozzle reaches the bed. I presume that in Cura You can try to adjust as need the value where i mark with a red circle. I don’t know if you have to use negative values… (it could be).

Measure the distance between the nozzle when in x-home and the left corner of the bed. Put the value in the first field (probably negative).



I’m not quite sure how to minimize the gap between the endstop and carrier. Is the left fan not needed?

Read my previous answer on settings of cura…

I changed the machine settings in cura but that did not change anything.

If you align the object to print in the lower left corner of the cura bed… where the printer prints?

/Would I use Machine Center 0,0 to do that?


The printer prints correctly on the Y axis (front of the bed), but prints a couple cm to the right of where it should on the x axis.

Ok, now take a pic of Cura settings like I took it, to show me the offset you set, please.

I looked up pictures of my printer on google, and noticed that none of them had the left fan installed. I then removed the left fan from my printer and that solved the problems. I have had no temperature issues, so I think the problem is solved. Thanks for all the help!