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Apr '15 - I just received the white from colorfabb and its more of a cream white, I see they have a bluewhite and wonder if that is more the pure white I was exp...
Mar '15 - I just got some samples in 5m rather than 10m from http://globalfsd.com globalfsd.com , they have colorfabb as well as other vendors. I was in same boa...
Mar '15 - Very good idea, have you seen this blog post before? http://richrap.blogspot.co.uk/2014/11/update-on-3d-printing-filament-spool.html Reprap development...
Feb '15 - Very nice! Just received my roll of bronzefill so I know what I will be trying slight_smile what else do you have planned to print with it?
Feb '15 - Hey, after enjoying the sample pack from colorfabb I ordered myself some woodfill and bronzefill. Although I seem to be out of any good ideas of things...
Feb '15 - Mine was reviewed without any payment setup. It took a few days (it was over a weekend). Hold tight I think they will get to you soon!