As part of the 3D Hubs filament workshop tour, a stop is being made in our very own metropolis.
Join us all, the London community on the 24th March 7pm as we get our hands on the latest in 3D printing materials. Held in the fantastic co-working space come bar come café, The Hatch - Homerton, a perfect place for a budding creative and/or maker!
Organised in partnership with Colorfabb, you, our workshop attendees will be able to use the newly released filaments, learn which printers and print settings are best for the material and the possible applications. This makes it a BYOP (bring your own printer) event therefore you have the option to get really hands on with the knowledge and advice being shared.
In addition to learning how to use the filament, attendees are all given a custom-made Colorfabb sample pack containing the new special filament!
As usual it will still be a great opportunity to catch up with the rest of the community, talk about trending ideas/topics and act as a platform to showcase your 3D printed awesomeness!
Tickets can be purchased via the 3D Hubs event page, with a £12.50 ticket price ( a really great price for a host of cool swag )
Included in the price are the following:
Exclusive Filament [275g] Sample Pack (retail value: €20)
Sample of the new ColorFabb special filament
Filament workshop
Drinks & snacks
Look forward to seeing community members old and new.
Ok @gregh, I have found a solution :). The eventbrite site will open up here place an order here and I will collect your sample pack from Berlin later this week. I will either deliver or post it, whatever you prefer.
Hey Greg! I’ve opened up a new space available for the 2.85 mm. However it won’t be delivered to you immediately, but after a week. We’ll meet up with the Cinter guys in Berlin later this week and we can give them your sample pack. Then they can bring it back to London Is it okay for you? Eventbrite link: 3D Hubs & ColorFabb Workshop London Tickets, Tue, Mar 24, 2015 at 7:00 PM | Eventbrite
Hi James thanks for the meeting last night, very interesting chat and nice to meet everybody sorry I had to leave quickly but had to get back to Alton station. Look forward to the copy of your slides, hope to meet you guys again in the future.