Hey, after enjoying the sample pack from colorfabb I ordered myself some woodfill and bronzefill. Although I seem to be out of any good ideas of things to print with the bronze (the woodfill is half gone already)!
Has anyone here got any great ideas of something I could test my printing + finishing skills with? Or some examples of things you have printed that have come out really well?
Here is a video of barnacules nerdgasm who prints his face in bronzefill(bit weird but should give you some help). He has a ultimaker 2 and gives you lots of info on how to print it.
Marvin was of course my first print, however need to work on the infill as it seemed to have a gap on top edge! It doesn’t look anywhere near as good as that link! Clearly have some work to do on improving my skill set!
For those keeping track. So far my bronze fill print list is… (pictures to follow) A Marvin (of course) A bust of someone or myself if I can get my scanner working The one ring to rule them all Chess piece from the set I have printed for myself (non commercial license unfortunately but a great set)
I looked at every supplier in UK and it worked out cheaper to get it direct for a single roll! And I didn’t find sample packs in UK. I ordered the colour pla sample pack and the special material pack and it arrived a few days later (make sure you get some blue grey it’s my favourite at moment) and if you have your 10% hub discount it will work out even better for you!
Take one of marvin in bronze, still need to sand it down some more and polish. And look into my top layers, seems like it needs a bit more feed rate. This is normal size as well, I may have to double the size like the other example!
Thought this was an interesting print, someone said jewelry would be a good thing to try but obviously needed a geek edge on that.
Left is after first go at sanding, right is straight after I got it off my print bed. I have no idea why the left looks so orange! It’s starting to shine but its not quite that golden.
i’ve just printed my initials “MB” in Bronzefill, Copperfill and Glowfill. All are from Colorfabb. I have ordered 2x the special sample pack once with bronze and once wiht copper, then used glowfill for the background and stability and the metal filaments for the optics. I sanded the metal parts, brushed them with brass (either dremel on low speed or brass wool both work) and polished them with standard metal polisher for cars, for a little more shine i applied a thin coat of metallic laquer wax. The “B” is with Copperfill, the “M” with Bronzefill.
Sadly the samples are very tiny (and i misscalculated), thats why i have planned too less upper solid layers and thats why you see these little bumps on the outer surface. However the “scratches” on the bronze part are intended. I’ll try to get the Copper one to corrode and create that green patina that everyone knows from the statue of liberty for example.
Very cool design, did you swap Filament mid way or print too parts and glue together? Yes I was shocked at sample pack size, but I think that’s because I came from a faberdashery sample pack of 10m each! I think the 4-5m colorfabb samples were good to get an idea or the colours. Also thanks for top tip about copper I didn’t realise they had a sample pack for that! Although probably need a steel hotend first!