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Oct '16 - Don't get your expectations on PVA too high. It's a difficult material to work with. I also have had a UM3 for 4 weeks now and I really love it. The ha...
May '17 - Loose cable to your temp sensor on the bed. Almost surely just loosen and reinsert the two sensor cables (the thinner 2 cables) where they connect to t...
May '17 - I agree that layers aren't cooling down enough at the top as each layer prints too quickly to give it time to cool. There are many solutions but the be...
Nov '16 - I don't understand the question as Cura is a slicer and even cura 14.X and 15.X support dual. Maybe you just need a lesson in how to use Cura? Are you...
Sep '16 - This is pretty easy to fix. The very very loud noise sound bad but the printer can take it. First do what someone said - with power off push head to le...
Sep '16 - Your problem could be one of many but the most likely: This sounds like "too many retractions" where the symptom is the print is mostly fine but fails...
Aug '16 - Excellent post! Stainless steel shouldn't need any oil to protect it from rusting and ball bearings shouldn't need any lubricant either as they are rol...
Aug '16 - It's almost surely a problem with the power supply and not the printer. They have little computers in them I assume and can get in weird safety states....
Aug '16 - What country are you in? 3dsolex sells a um2go HB kit in most of the world, http://thegr5store.com thegr5store.com (my store) sells it in USA. These pl...
Aug '15 - > The Makerbot Replicator 2 is a better option, however I have still had to take it apart at my school atleast half a dozen times to fix little issues....
May '16 - Most likely the Z stepper is overheating so definitelyi reduce the Z current but dont' print anything large until figuring this out. The next most like...
Mar '16 - Lot's of great advice already - I didn't see anything I disagreed with. I would try it just as shown in the first photo because then there is less warp...
Feb '16 - If you want a safe hinge - cone shaped hinges work well because the max overhang is 45 degrees (or you can make the slope even more gradual but then th...
Mar '16 - That's Joris. He's an amazing guy. Last I checked (6 months ago) he doesn't work for Ultimaker but he works at the fablab that started ultimaker and he...
Feb '16 - Fantastic advice so far. Just to clarify though - the problem is that your layers aren't sticking together well enough meaning the printed layer isn't...
Oct '15 - I believe 3dsystems has some nice full color printers that are now old enough that you can get used ones at a very reasonable price. They are quite com...
Sep '15 - I spoke with someone who said although it uses less filament - it actually prints slower than if you printed it as a thin shell. But it looks cool and...
Aug '15 - If you plan to print only ABS then Zortrax is great - very slow but good quality. If you are willing to print PLA and never print ABS then get the UM2....
Mar '15 - No one seems to understand how damn important open source is until they own a printer. Owning a printer from a company that blocks you from using other...
Jun '15 - Whatever you get, make sure it's open source! I didn't think that was important until after I got my printer. Can you imagine the manufacturer telling...
May '15 - When you go to 3dsolex note that for USA, Canada orders it will take you to: https://thegr5store.com/store/ thegr5store.com https://thegr5store.com/sto...
May '15 - I agree with John - you have some underextrusion - most likely printing too cold and/or too fast. Try printing at 210 or 220 and cut speed in half. UM2...
May '15 - As you can see with this PT100 table: http://www.intech.co.nz/products/temperature/typert.html The higher the temperature, the higher the resistance. S...
Apr '15 - Well if the thermocouple reads 20C on power up then it's probably fine. And if you heat up the head and the temperature starts increasing then that is...
Apr '15 - I'm the guy who runs the http://gr5.org/store/ gr5 store - united states reseller of 3dsolex parts for ultimaker2 ultimaker2+ UM2 UM2+ Ultimaker3 UM3 R...
Apr '15 - They are 2mm allen wrenches. I strongly recommend you get a 2mm hex wrench in a screwdriver package (not those L shaped ones although it's okay to get...
Mar '15 - Did you post this on the Ultimaker forums? There are quite a few people who print with bronzefill no problem there. I love the idea from Steve here tha...