So I got myself a new heat sensor from GR5’s store along with the aftermarket nozzle assembly (were not going there…) and had it installed and used it for ~4 days and then started to notice my printer would randomly call out an alarm for the heater sensor in the nozzle which isn’t good since I just got the new temp probe! The old one got damaged trying to remove it from the original heater-block.
Before I go any further yes I have emailed Ultimaker about it and I am waiting to hear back from them but in the meantime I thought i’d ask anyways to see what everyone had to say. My symptoms are that when the heater block is heating up the printer will be set to say… 240*C for XT and as its heating up it will go 30 > 200 just fine but as it nears 240 it will go “220… 230… 240. 250. 260. *alarm*” where the temp SKYROCKETS from 220> 260+ in a matter of 1-3 seconds which isn’t normal. I am used to it quickly going from 0 > 240 and then slowing down near the final temp. That has me thinking that the temp probe is bugging out and causing a missread of the temp, thus causing the printer to shut down as a safety protocol!
The other odd problem is once just sitting there the printer called an error which made no sense since after turning it off and back on again… it worked fine till it called another mid-heatup alarm. So if anyone has any ideas what is going on, feel free to chime in! I get this is a pretty rare instance but sometimes the rare stuff is the most frustrating!
Are you using an Ultimaker 2?
I have the Olsson Block as well on my UM2s. Make sure the heater and temp sensor are fully inserted inside the block.
Can you be more specific on what are the error messages you get. Many errors can be shown.
Can you perform this test?
I had the exact same symptoms after I built my UMO+.
The “over temperature” error was triggered when the heat block was within a particular temperature range. I rebooted the printer and tried pre-heating again until I managed to get the temperature past the troublesome area. Then I could print just fine. As the printer cooled down again after a print, I often got the error again. Only rarely was it triggered during actual printing.
A new PT100 temperature sensor from Ultimaker solved the issue for me.
As you can see with this PT100 table:
The higher the temperature, the higher the resistance. So when it skyrockets it means the resistance is increasing much faster than it should. An open is infinite resistance (wires not connected). At short is zero resistance (or at least very low resistance). Your symptoms are exactly what I would expect if one of the wires has a loose crimp inside the temp sensor. As it heats up things expand and when it hits around 220C one of the contacts gets quickly worse (higher resistance - barely touching) until it is no longer making contact. Many UM customers had this problem.
The one thing I’m confused about - is your temp sensor from gr5 store - united states reseller of 3dsolex parts for ultimaker2 ultimaker2+ UM2 UM2+ Ultimaker3 UM3 Raise3D including upgrades, olsson block, nozzles, teflon isolators, ruby and steel nozzles and more.? (aka Or is it from Ultimaker? I had the impression your temp sensor was from UM but if it’s from gr5 store - united states reseller of 3dsolex parts for ultimaker2 ultimaker2+ UM2 UM2+ Ultimaker3 UM3 Raise3D including upgrades, olsson block, nozzles, teflon isolators, ruby and steel nozzles and more. I’ll send you another one.
I got mine from gr5store over fibric8 (ultimaker) since it was cheaper than fibric8
Oh! I misunderstood. I’ll send you a new one today.
I got tired of all the issues with my olsson block so I gave up and went back to my UM block. I have both inserted as far as they go so that isn’t an issue to my knowledge. An issue I ran into with my olsson was I’d set it to 235 for XT and ~5 min into a print I could tell the nozzle was running more like 200 since my flow was non-existent!
Ill lll try that test tonight if I can find my IR temp gun at home.
Ok thanks man! I’ll keep you posted if it works
tighten screw holding the cartridges hard ( Olsson Block).
If you are not happy, full refund!
Once I get the new sensor ill give that a try. I wasn’t sure if I was going to mangle the heater and sensor was all.
@coleoptero I hope it works out well
Let us all know!
OK so sorry it took forever to update it but GR5 sent me a new temp sensor and I installed it and all the issues went away. Printing away nicely now. Thanks everyone for the help, I seriously appreciate it!