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Jul '15 - Hi Uwe, die 305mm dürften die meisten - mich eingeschlossen - vor Probleme stellen. Das ist ziemlich groß, zu groß als dass es mit den meisten Druckern...
Nov '14 - indeed. did alread send mails to the NASA press/pr staff, the german DLR (who schedule the german experiments), the university of heidelberg (who desig...
Oct '14 - I just started a new project with the aim to spread the awareness for 3D printing. I want to emphase that 3D printing is a world wide phenomenon with c...
Oct '14 - Supercool. And the best example that the result is what we aim for. There are many no-glue-all-snaps-together purists out there, and whilst a good and...
Oct '14 - I had a crack in my fairphone certification print, after trying and bending it. there seems to be a weak spot by design in the area of the opening for...