xbot 155 habe ich selber. Sagen wir mal so es ist ok, mit Verbesserungsbedarf. Ich arbeite gerade an einigen Verbesserungen, besonders das Hotend hat es meiner Meinung nach nochwendig. Ansonsten ist es eine gute Konstruktion. Der Zotrax hat den Nachteil das man kein PLA verdrucken kann, wäre für mi…
I got only some misprints. Most of my misprints are not so good qualitity and have some optical damages. Why don’t sell those minimal damaged cases? Or give them away for nothing?
Why nobody from 3DHubs ask Apple. Maybe they want to print cases?
how about printed iphone 6 cases like the fairphone cases?
When we ship a fairphone we have to do some work and need equipment. - box - printing the lable - packaging material and do the work for making the box ready for shipping.
sure thats no bug in cura? I also had this problem in the layer view with cura, but the printer has done correct printing.
Hello Guy, I tried a lot with lay wood. iPhone case designs are to weak for this material. The fairphone case design is perfekt for the flexible material. Laybrick I think same problem, with the fairphone case it would work. With normal iPhone case design you break of the walls.
Good Tip is print slower at this section. 20mm/s I use and temperature as low as possible. I use 200 degrees. And use good filament, I’ve a china no name filament and thats a mess. Printing with 205 degress causes filament blocking cause it doesn’t melt correct and with 208 degrees it flows away. I…
Good Tip is print slower at this section. 20mm/s I use and temperature as low as possible. I use 200 degrees. And use good filament, I’ve a china no name filament and thats a mess. Printing with 205 degress causes filament blocking cause it doesn’t melt correct and with 208 degrees it flows away. I…
I’ve a good idea for those fair phone cases. I’ve printed a test case in lay wood. Feels very cosy and smells like wood. I think the fair phone community will love these cases. My problem is, the case is so soft when you print the upper cutout (see second photo) it bends and then you have problems …