Keep us informed of the mk9 upgrade. I’ve thought about it. But at moment just printing off some other upgrades. Im wondering if the upgraded extruded feeder will work with the mk9.
Think I did the same. But I noticed because my filament wasn’t loading.
Thanks. I will try and look up what others have used as a starting point. Its based in on the replicator dual I think so I might have a chance of finding the settings.
Thanks for the reply. I have managed to get supports working now in makerware so I will retry the print. I tried cura and craftware but they just tried to send the build plate underground and started to print in space. Obviously some setttings need to be corrected but for the life of me I don’t kno…
I managed to upgrade mine. The biggest issue I had was to hit the upload firmware and press the reset button. Basically I figured that letting go of the reset button before hitting upload wasn’t working. So I kept the reset pressed, then hit upload and let go of reset a fraction afterwards. The gree…