Hi all! Hope everyone is having a good summer. I’m curious, for those of you who have or have used 3D scanners, what is your favorite? What have you had experiences with and what are you interesting in using?
Here are some of the pictures from the event by the way: [11535896_10153419966979772_3745842289884891381_n.jpg] [1012964_10153419967069772_430632976032595502_n.jpg] [11351126_10153419967199772_3623663456421990181_n.jpg] [11401582_10153419967259772_7039555292243833266_n.jpg] [10301932_1015341996735…
We mingled and met with the re:3d team and saw some pretty giant prints!
Feel free to visit next time if the slots fill up! It isn’t a hard limit.
Thanks again to everyone that came out last night; it was extremely fun to meet everyone and see everyone mingling around! If you have any comments, questions or suggestions you want to see for the next meetup (like 3D scanning or maybe a round table discussion), let us know here and we’ll see what …