Taller personal de prototipado y modelado 3D. Tengo un trabajo aparte de mi taller, por lo que no me es posible hacer trabajos urgentes, si está dispuesto a esperar al menos 7 dias para su impresión, contacteme. Solo voy a aceptar trabajos por 3D hubs con su pago respectivo tambien por aca. Suba el modelo y sin costo yo le cotizo el costo total. -Yo envío por mensajero. Si está en la zona San Jose - Heredia le puedo entregar la pieza personalmente. En otros lugares lejos son ₡2500 de envío. Si vive fuera del área metropolitana, hablemos primero para hacérselo llegar por correo o encomienda.
Yeah, It clarifies a lot, I imagined that filter exists. I did this: I re-added my printer as a custom,with the files the customer gave me. Now my hub appears on list. I don’t know where to define the exact dimensions. I looked, but couldn’t figure where the option is. Can you point me on where …
A friend asked me if I could print something for him so I gave hin 3D hubs as a recomendation to better calculate the costs. He had 4 models for a total of 15 printed pieces. For some reason, even tho all the pieces are printable in my machine, I do not appear in the recommended Hubs, not even in …
Yeah, I know I was imagining like the printrbot XL upgrade kits, that you could buy and easily install on a base model.
So you will be selling upgrade kits? Will the kits be printable?
I am about to test proto-pasta’s Carbon Fibre HTPLA. I hope is good.
Please tell me your experience with protopasta CF, I want make the jump and mod my printrbot with UBIS + steel tips + heated bed and start doing more useful things. Are the printings actually stiffer, is there any difference in weight? Does it prints nice with the bed off? Is a 0.4 mm tip a bad i…