Never mind.I just reread post and figured out my mistake.
so I cancelled the order from wanhao as I am not a very patient person and ordered the Mono I3 from amazon. Saved me some money and a little sanity with my lack of patients. Thanks for the info on the long delays that would have killed me and possibly a few others . lol
Thanks for the tip on the steppers. I will check that once it arrives. krank
I just pulled the trigger on the Wanhao I3 from wanhaousa. Thanks for the help. I am sure you will be hearing from me in the future. I end up going with this one just because of all of the online support for it. I am new to all this so I will need all the support I can get. thanks again Krank
Where would be a good place to purchase the Wanhao from? Wanhaousa? I see I can order mono from Amazon. I have prime so that would help. Decisions decision.
Thanks everyone for the responses. I have been playing with Fushion 360 and so far I like it. Is there a big difference between monoprice and Wanhao? From what I could find online they seem to be the exact same machine. Is it worth it to save the money and go with the Monoprice version? If I go with…