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  • Zoubir, Join the enabling the future google+ circle. Tell them you need help, folks will jump on. I reiterate that It is best to get someone locally involved, perhaps add the /paris tag here. Perhaps contact filemon to get this added to the /paris group Enzou3d, I see you are in New York. But if …

  • Zoubir, I’ve been looking over the e-nable site over the last few days, and have decided I would like to help you with this especially since you’re having so much difficulty finding someone locally to do it for/with you. I’ll preface this by saying my team and I have never done a prosthetic in the …

  • Does this new plate cover the whole of the metal surface? The sensor has a range of 4mm, so if the plate is 4mm, and covers the complete surface, the G29 bed levelling won’t work. Now you can convert the Z stop to a mechanical one. There is a printable switch holder on paste extruder product page …