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  • I need a Slicer able to calculate paths (including infill and support so that the nozzle never has to cross previous layers (and perform bidging operations like retraction) so that it will be an endless line.

  • Hi, We are building a huge 3D printer, and at the moment we cannot make the extruder stop (so there will be a constant material feed) Therefore we are looking for Slicer software able to generate code (including infill and support!) whcih does not do bridging. This way, we can make the extruder fe…

  • Hi, We are working on a 7 mr 3d printer now, about operational. Position is still open. Best, Joep

  • Hi all, I am looking for anyone capabale of 3D printing with a 10 mm nozzle diameter, mostly done by robots. Anyone familiar with this? Cheers

  • Hi, We are looking for (a few) interns to assist and help engineer a 20 meter large 3D printer with special purposes. We are Startup 10XL and we are selected for the PortXL Startup Accelerator program. Coming three months we want te prepare ourself for building a 3D printer for large scale objects. …

  • Hi guys, I would like to know if it is possible to print in a heated bed made of RVS. Anyone familiar with? Please let me know, it would be very helpful. Thanks, Joep

  • Hallo, Ik ben bezig met de bouw van een MendelMax maar loop vast op het punt dat de Mechatronics v2.0 aangesloten dient te worden voor een testrun. Ik zoek iemand die hier verstand van heeft en eventueel tegen betaling door de stappen weet te loodsen. Het gaat om een Mechatronics v2.0 die aangeslo…