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May 2017


We are building a huge 3D printer, and at the moment we cannot make the extruder stop (so there will be a constant material feed)

Therefore we are looking for Slicer software able to generate code (including infill and support!) whcih does not do bridging. This way, we can make the extruder feed at a constant rate, and make the robot move with a constant speed, without having to stop the nozzle/extruder from extruding.

if someone can help us, everything would be fixed and you will receive a nice reward.

(we know option ‘vase mode’ in simplify3D and Cura, but this is not what we are looking for, since it will be deleted when using infill/support.

I hope to hear from you.



So let me get this right, you want a slicer with no retraction or you want retraction but your printer won’t do it?

I need a Slicer able to calculate paths (including infill and support so that the nozzle never has to cross previous layers (and perform bidging operations like retraction) so that it will be an endless line.

The only reason I can see you wanting to do this is if you had a continuous fibre inside the filament. As far as current slicers go, no there is nothing I’m aware of that will do this.