[3d hubs picks_2.png] The latest Bond film Spectre premiered yesterday evening at the Royal Albert Hall in London. For many magazines, websites and other media the opportunity to bother you again with the most interesting issues: what villain was the most memorable?, which ‘Bondgirl’ was the best?…
Hi guys. Check out the figurines we’ve printed recently. These are replicas of author caricature sculpture. Printed by means of: Full Color Sandstone 3D Printing Material 131 according to SLS technology by ZCore 510 Spectrum 3-d printer. For the replicas of original size Mcor IRIS 3-d printer is us…
This amazing 3D printed pizza was created by Normally Ben. The yellow cheese dropping are smartly used as supports. The base of the pizza is printed in wood filament from ColorFabb. This 3D printed pizza can stand alone thanks to the supports. More informations about the process and STL file here:…
When can we expect the LockNester film @Igor_4? Looks like a Kickstarter campaign in the making!
Just awesome! Can this be a real show please?
Ha! 3d designers and story tellers, brilliant combo
This is just awesome !
I love this. period.
This absolutely made my day, kids would love this! Congrats for putting together such an entertaining setup. How difficult are the prints though? Never tried printing puzzles, but I assume it ain’t no easy work getting those shapes right.
Very nice presentation !
These GIF’s are the best!
Hahaha this is so epic! Gotta love that gif
The Loch Nesters give you such good vibes
Thanks for sharing this family dinner with us, @Igor_4!