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  • can you share your model so we can take a look?

  • hahah i posted it in another thread…

  • I have not got that error. Have you called tech support? I have called them twice, once for a broken build plate (they sent me one for free!) and once for a corrupted SD card that contained startup files for the printer. The second time took a few calls and emails to resolve, but the support provide…

  • I printed some mounts with my first dremel branded roll, to use larger generic filament spools. I’ll see if I can dig up a picture.

  • I have used other filament in my printer. I am using simplify3d to vary the temperatures. I printed a mount to hold larger spools of filament above the printer. I have used monoprice, protopasta, and some others with varying levels of success. [img_1872.jpg] [img_1873.jpg]

  • also, you dont have the dremel tool open at the same time do you? If you have the dremel software open first, it will bind the usb device to that software, making it unavailable to simplify3d. you will need to install the dremel software, but close it before opening simplify3d. what version are y…

  • I have had it work, but its not as reliable. I have since changed my workflow. 1. model in sketchup 2. export stl in mm. 3. fix stl using https://makeprintable.com/ 4. download to sd card. 5. print from sd card. This has saved me a ton of trouble. anytime I deviate from this, I add time to the…

  • I am using the Simplify3d package with my Dremel… 1 million times better than dremels software and allows you the flexiblity to change the tempature for whichever filament you would want to use… I agree you would need a heated bed, which is my next mod to my machine… -Doug