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Dec 2017

Hello, I am wondering if anyone can take a look at my sketchup project. I am having issues with it. When I export it to an STL and import it to Netfabb it says it needs to be fixed. After its done I have something I cant use. I have a dome like object but its not round. After it fixes it it adds a bottom to it. So instead of having a dome with a .125 inch thick border I have the dome object with a solid bottom. If someone wouldn’t mind taking a look at it and telling me whats wrong with it, how you diagnosed it, and how you fixed it I would be so grateful. I am a fast learner so with that information I can be a lot more self sufficient. Thanks for taking the tine to read this post…

  • created

    Dec '17
  • last reply

    Dec '17
  • 4


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  • 5


In Sketchup, Does your model info show you a Volume?

If the model does not show a Volume , like 1200 cubic mm or what ever it will not successfully build the STL.

I use a plug in called Solid Inspector that tells me what is wrong with my parts.

When my parts show a volume, I know they are ready to export as STL.

Just a thought.


Lots of things can happen if you design in sketchup ot other CAD software which influences the quality of the priing . Such as non manifold edges, flipped suface orientation, duplicate triangels,openspaces amd

flipped traingle. Go to sketchup extension warehouse( under window , and download a solid inspector that can check your model before transforming it into .STL file. IF its ok your print will be ok.

Happy printing
