Bedankt voor jullie interesse
Hello fellow Hubs, In order to better support Hubs we’re developing a range of very handy Powertools. These Powertools are especially designed to help you steadily grow your 3D printing business. As you level-up as a Hub, more Powertools become available. This post is about a particular Powertool a…
Hey everyone it’s Fleet, just wanted to give you an updated into what the LockNesters have been up to lately. Last Sunday it was bedtime at the Alberts’, and they all love a bath when getting ready for bed. [bathtime.png] Albert likes to have a nice soak at the end of the day. Getting a little sw…
Hey,I’m new here hope I can get some help from any hub or anybody! Have a picture want it on 3d,it’s a small peace.
We hebben weer een meetup! Maandag 13 april gaat Merijn je alles vertellen over slicers bij Het Lab in Rotterdam. Programma 18:00 – 18:45 Inloop en elkaar voorstellen 18:45 – 20:00 Intro over 3dHub, en voorstellen Mayor 20:00 – 20:30 Thema: Slicers 20:30 – 22:00 Slicen en printen! Neem je lap…
Hello fellow makers! My name is Andy and I primarly design stuff and on ocassion I get things printed. In this particular project I was asked to model a certain statue that is a sort of icon in the city of Harlingen, Netherlands. The statue is called “De Stenen Man” (Stone Man) and the customer aske…
I’m a Mechanical Design Engineer, with over 6 years experience designing equipment from concept through production. I can design and create almost any product using 3D modeling software. I can also convert almost any 2D drawing to 3D including drawings and DXF’s. I have experience using multiple 3D…
Hi guys, I would like to share with you my latest published 3D printing project for Eumakers. The scope of the project is to inspire Eumaker’s filament users to upcycle their empty spools in an original way. Eumaker’s spools can be disassemble in different parts and then combined with 3D printed co…
Yes it’s a cool print
but making an account on several websites, and posting 1 time the exact same thing is just weird, especially on websites that are very 3D printer specific, and that posting has nothing to do with that kind of printer ! and linking to the site where you can BUY this fabulous…
So you are spamming all the 3D printer forums with this ? just to promote your website ? please don’t
Hi Merijn, I checked grasshopper before. Awesome piece of software. The cool thing is you can make really nice abstract models. But the downside is, it runs on rhino, instead on a web page. Kwamb.io does a great thing at this. Allowing users to modify their models and export them for printing. T…
Thanks for that, @Dan_BuildTak. A couple of other tips I’d give my fellow printers:… Best to buy at least 3 sheets. You’ll probably waste the first two dialling in your printer. But at least you’ll be able to tell your friends that you’ve experienced the World’s strongest adhesive. Never try to re…
@AtomJaay indeed. I’m totally cool with this. Talk should be open (as long as not spam) anyway I think. Upvoting now…
I notice some downvotes and do understand the thinking there. However, in my discussions with MMF it was stressed that they don’t see themselves as competing with 3DHubs in the print services marketplace. The are owned by a printer company and are providing some interesting tools for amateur/pro des…