I’ve owned an R1 since Feb 2015. Have yet to get it to complete a print successfully. Halfway through a whistle is as close as it’s gotten, and the verticals walls were rough and thin before it either broke free and became a jumbled mess or the verticals walls broke apart. Yes, I’ve tried a glue sti…
Spectacular reviews are inspired by great customer service and a great product. You as a Hub can actually influence these throughout the order process. How does this help me? Great reviews play an important role in your Hub ranking, and alternatively in generating positive word of mouth and repeat…
Sorry to hear your story…but its quite typical with these kits. You should made your post to here much earlier, it would save you from a lot of headaches. You “factory” board is a unknown to me but its a Chinese board variant , but you can use the MKS board also it will work. The reason the LCD did…