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Dec 2016


I am a CAD designer, in the field of mechanics, beginner on this forum, and own a Zortrax M200 (very satisfying), since two years now;

I recently tried a new filament, recycled and recyclable, for those who are interested of finding new filaments which are compatible on the Zortrax M200, but non-proprietary;

I made some very good printings, (very reliable, good render of the whole piece as good as with ABS filament); (parameters on photo : Z-layer: 0.29mm, full fill…); It was a very good start with this product, no problems appearing during the printings.

see there: http://www.owa3d.com/fr/filaments-3d/ps-recycle-recyclable/ 13

have a look at my website too

www.peter-cao.fr 3

  • created

    Dec '16
  • last reply

    Feb '17
  • 8


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  • 5


Hi There, we have also tested some “third” party materials and our ZORTRAX is working just fine with FILAMENTUM ABS and HIPS, ABS from UP 3d printers and we have even printed some NYLON PA12 from Fortus :slight_smile: and some other HIPS idont remmeber brand.

Hello Peer,

I agreed with you, this filament is really very good and gives excellent results/

Support and raft are very easy to remove.


Do they have an English website? Very interested in using sustainable filament.


I didn’t noticed, that they haven’t an English version of their website; so, sorry, no…

But you can contact them of course, if you have any specific questions!



Just for info:

I’ve just asked this morning, they are developing the English version

and it will be normally ok in January.

2 months later

Hello everyone,

Thanks for those feedbacks. I just wanted to let you know that Armor website is now available in english :


We would love to have your feedback on our recycled/recycable PS filaments !

Also, in the next few days, we will launch two new filaments : TPU-R and PLA-HI.

Pierre-Antoine from Armor