I just got my XYZ daVinci 2.0 Duo everytime i use XYZware and go to print it starts to slice the object then it will crash can i please get some suggestions i really want to start printing pronto ive printed the samples so i know it works im not sure if it’s the program that is making it crash or im doing someone wrong ive very new to this
Thanks guys
It could be an STL file problem. This website will repair the STL for you for free: https://tools3d.azurewebsites.net/
ive just tried it still doesnt work
Please be more specific with “it starts to crash”. Are we talking Software or hardware? Have you tried another computer? Can you make a video and share it on Youtube? For a new machine, the most critical thing to a good print is having your masking tape nice and flat and setting the proper bed height (calibration). Tell us more!
Personally, I have wi-fi and USB (both) communication problems, and I may send them my mainboard soon. Luckily I’m in Taiwan, so it’s just 1-day away. I’ve sort of been waiting until after a firmware update to see if it fixes itself.
Im not too sure how more specific i could be i have my laptop connected to the printer, i open XYZware, i import a file (ive have done this with multiple files) i click print, for 4 - 7 seconds max it says slicing the model,it disaperars and then it crashes thats all i know so far
Do you know of any programs similar to XYZware, where i can print from it could be software im not too sure im gonna test it out on another laptop in the morning
I’ve had issues with the most recent version of XYZware and I’m now using an older version.
But I also found that turning off ‘Auto correct’ solves all of these hangs and crashes in the slicing phase. There’s the risk that the resulting print is not correct though, but if the STL files are OK, the risk is very minimal.
I had the same problem back in the day with my 2.0 so I uninstalled and reinstalled. I did this multiple times until I upgraded to Simplify3d
Maybe try right clicking on the icon and run the program as Admin.
Hi Jaime,
i am working with their newest Release on Win10, i suggest you to download any older Versions of xyzware on their Site ans test from old to new… Otherwise you could take a Support-Ticket, their Service works very fast and well… They could also check your File for Errors…
Whitch OS and Version of XYZ Ware do you use ?
so im guessing everything went all good Simplify3d, it could be a good option ill look into that thanks
Love it! It also makes dual color prints super easy!
UPDATE!! Just downloaded one of the older versions It Works Thank you so much everyone for your support and tips big pat on the back !! 
whenever i try to upload an STL file into xyzware, it crashes every time. any help?