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Oct 2016

Hello all,

I ve been printing for a month or so on my up mini 2, no major issues until then.

As you can see on the two pictures i posted, im having wrapping issues, the item I wish to create doesnt stick to the platform. I have tried using tape for better adherence and sadly that didnt work either.

I have also checked the calibration of my platform and tried passing the heat to 50 for the platform that still didnt helped.

If anyone has a new solution ? I m open to suggestions thank you :slight_smile:


  • created

    Oct '16
  • last reply

    Oct '16
  • 5


  • 1.6k


  • 4


If printing PLA, try a bed temperature of 60°C - 70°C; if ABS, try 100°C.

Also add some Gluestick to the bed (spread thinly with a wet towel) or hairspray. This is necessary especially for ABS due to its higher shrink rate.

Up Fila material

Temperature 210 before, now 215

Platform temp 50

Thickness 0.20

Print speed I left the standard one, machine can go from 10 to 100 cm3/h, think standard speed is around 60 if i recall.

Read something about the fact that it may be linked to the filament not cooling down fast enough, and so I could try opening the door and pausing the print at the start for a while.

Printed with ABS settings on my PLA for a while had to stop because Nozzle was leaking due to the high temperature but I didnt have such problems at the time and the platform was at 70 so I will try to get it up yes, read some articles about the glue, will try it also.

Thank you

As AccuProto said, you have to increase your bed temperature if you are printing ABS. With PLA, wrapping issues is not something that usually happens. You should test your Z-axis calibration, maybe the first layer is too high.

Another solution should be the addition of a skirt, but then you have to remove this part. You can see this on the picture.

I hope this will be helpful to you!