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Apr 2017

Yesterday I received an order at 11:30 p.m. Around 4 a.m. I got the reminder to take action. All that happened while I slept.

I got up as usual and processed the order around 7 a.m.

So, that order increased my response time my almost 8 hours

Would it be possible to implement working hours, so that order request don´t count as response time at a time frame where the hub rests ?

Would be great, thanks !

  • created

    Apr '17
  • last reply

    Apr '17
  • 16


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  • 11


Hi Tibor,

opening hours is one of our big projects we want to tackle this quarter. I is hard to build on our current infrastructure but we will replace it with a brand new one in a couple weeks. We know this is a long overdue, but we are working hard on making it happen.

Adam, 3D Hubs

I also had orders like this. I can image that the customers burns the midnight oil working upon the design and then it gets uploaded inside the 11pm to 8am 3D hubs appointed closed time. As the texts arrived just after 8am and state that you need to respond to a order request 4hrs ago. Currently the response time for the top 10 in my area is 7h 13m. There was a sharp rise in this value in March, currently it’s 6h 26m and coloured green, which I believe means okay.

I have also noticed the response time shown upon my area’s other hubs page, that a London based hub has a time of 2m.

Is that possible?
Unless they have a work-flow where their is a large number of people using the printer within maybe a maker space. They then process them though the hub order system which results in a quick response time.

While y’all sleep, I will be taking orders. I took a job last week after midnight local time, I work a day job form 5am to 5pm and still take orders 24/7.

I take orders 24/7 as well. I’m less interested in the “business hours” aspect (although reasonable) and more concerned about response time’s effect on hub ranking. Everyone must sleep. I have no problem accepting orders at 3am but if I happen to be sleeping it shouldn’t lower rank. I shouldn’t have to “close” the shop at night. I think that’s reasonable.

Can you give us a more concrete timeline on the development of this feature?

Arnoldas posted that 3D Hubs was working on this – 11 months ago.

I agree with this that working hours would be a good feature. We run some of our kit around the clock and have a technician in - however we have noticed that your alerts don’t run around the clock - so we might get a job at 23:00 but we might not get the email/SMS message until 08:00 the next day…

Maybe worth having the alerts as an option (e.g. Out of hours alerts on or off) - So those hubs wanting work all hour can and will get notifications, and those that want the working hours can just get them at 08:00 and not be hassled in the evening.


I am going to go against the grain here and say working hours could be a bad idea. This is just speculation but if we put in working hours then when out of those hours we may not show up in the search and not get orders. It would be like closing the hub when outside of the hours you put in

I don’t think the idea is really to have the hours forward facing for customers or to have it effect your listing in the results. More so just to adjust notifications (when you get order alerts) and when your response timer actually starts counting.

In other words, if you get an order that comes at 2 am, you accepted the order at 8:30 am after you woke up, had coffee, etc. You should not be penalized in listings because it took you six and half hours to respond.

What people are asking for (I believe) is to set a reasonable time frame of when their response time should be measurable and have an effect in the search results.

Basically, just the ability to set an “I’m sleeping, don’t punish my hub ranking please” setting. I don’t think anyone intended for that to be visible to customers, just an internal setting on your profile. Maybe even better to call it Night Mode or something else.

The system does have some sort of delay now from when orders come in and text messages are sent, but your response time is not necessarily in sync with when the text message is sent.

So then whats to stop someone from putting in a 10 minute timeframe that they are open so they never get a time penalty

LOL, I actually started to write about limiting the code to a certain timeframe for fairness, blah, blah, blah, and then I deleted all of it because I thought the post was getting too long and I did not think every tiny detail needed to be explained.

But yes, a limit would have to be put in place to stop people from ‘gaming’ the system. Just like there are minimum limits on pricing and certain other restrictions in place now, same kind of system. In order to maintain an ‘active’ hub one would have to adhere to a certain set of criteria for availability. Not all that complicated.

The objective should that the customer sees that you may not respond during certain hours but they are free to upload or message at any hour. Also that you don’t get penalized for not responding during these hours.

Now, what 3dhubs could do is let you select an off hours range say 6-10 hours that corresponded to your night time and this would also dictate the non-notification hours from 3dhubs unless you want notifications immediately. So I could pick 10PM to 6AM as the hours I am most likely to not respond but I could also select to have notifications immediately.