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Sep 2016

Basically the title.

Trying to make a CNC machine for fun as my first project.

I am 3d printing the guide that has to slide on 8mm shaft. I have 2 options:

1) Make a 3d printed part with 8mm hole and hope that it will slide easily on aluminium shaft.

2) Make a 3d printed part with 15mm hole, and put metallic bushing bearings in it, to make sure 8mm slides easily through.

Which option makes more sense?

Thanks! (my first post on the forums, sorry if something wrong)

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    Sep '16
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    Sep '16
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That’s pretty neat! and should be the cheapest option. I wonder where he get’s PTFE with 2mm OD, all I found on ebay was 3mm minimum.

Here’s what is important in my opinion…

It is good design, for a sleeve-type bearing setup, for the bearing to be softer than the slide/rail/shaft. This way, the bearing wears out before the shaft. This would be the case for either of your options, but I presume option number two would lend itself to a quick swap of a sleeve should the bearing wear out. So, I think option #2 is good.

Also, as for material, aluminum isn’t necessarily bad if it is appropriately sized for the intended use. You do not want to run ball bearings against aluminum, no, but for a sleeve type bearing application, plated aluminum is fine. Chrome is good, anodize would also be good. The plating protects against oxidization and provides a hard surface to resist abrasive wear.

Hopefully this helps you with your project.


Hi Avetis

The second option I think is good,the metallic bushing bearings a perfect fit.