Thanks again for the good work!
Very informative, Bram!
Very Informative! Nice work!
I’ve been looking to buy or manufacture a cheap twin-screw extruder for compounding/recycling my own polymers, but the price of our 11mm twin screw in the lab is sadly at 80.000€ at the moment and that isn’t feasible. If you manage to stumble upon a good deal for such an extruder, please let me know as the ones you listed are all single screw extruders!
I’d have a few things to add, which I learned working in the University Extrusion Lab in Paderborn here in Germany.
1. The heating of the extruder barrel is merely to keep the polymer in a molten state, as well as to homogenise the temperature of the extrudate. The main heat energy is dissipation energy coming from shear forces between the granules in the barrel!
2.When recycling household polymer waste, you have to deal with a lot of additives in the polymer that were specifically added for the product. E.g. a PET bottle consists of various layers (absorption, CO2 containment, etc.). You’ll also have to deal with these additives when extruding your own filament.
3. For each recycling circle, the molecular length of the polymer chains decreases, resulting in lowered mechanical properties. A good rule of thumb is that the properties become too bad to use after about 10 cycles. That’s why we only add a ratio of 40% recyclate to 60% when processing it.
4. Cleaning. Our extruder in the Lab uses a filter mesh as well as a vacuum degassing system to remove unwanted impurities in the product. I haven’t tested the mini-extruders you listed, but I fear that chemical and other residues might gunk up a printer nozzle over time, as they do tend to clog our mesh filters.
If you have any more questions, feel free to ask. I’ve got some experience to share!
This is impressive! Can’t wait until you show us some prints!
Nice work @bramhallo
Looking forward !
Awesome! Informative! @bramhallo
Thanks for sharing with us!
Thanks! Prints are coming soon
Hi Tobias,
Thanks for your great comment! To reply to the points your making:
- Unfortunately I haven’t come across a twin-screw extruder yet but I’ll definitely let you know if I do.
1. Very interesting information. If that is ok with you I’d like to add it to a previous post that went into detail on the extrusion process.
2. Indeed true, this is also one of the reasons I’m assuming recycling prints from the same original filament spool will give better results than recycling all kinds of different prints. Do you agree that this might be the case?
Regarding recycling household waste, I will try to get some results with this at a later stage and will definitely start out by using one type of waste product in order to minimize this effect.
3. Cool info, again if that’s ok I’d like to add this to my previous post as well. In my future posts I will describe the extrusion and printing quality of different ratio’s of new and recycled material so this aspect will get a lot more coverage soon
4. As far as I now there is no cleaning mechanism present in the Filabot that I am using. I don’t know about the other extruders but my guess is there isn’t any. However the nozzle can easily be removed which makes the Filabot rather easy to keep clean.
Will definitely nudge you if I have any questions, thanks!
Hey Bram,
Sure thing, feel free to add any info to your posts!
I am on vacation for the next three weeks, so I don’t have access to any official documents and material, but I can tell you what I know until I get back.
To 2. If you recycle the same material, e.g. Black Pla, the type of Spool doesn’t really matter. It could be from different manufacturers even, because pure standard printing spools should roughly use the same composition of material to fillers.
3. I have a graphic somewhere in my office that shows the correlation between material strength and recycling cycles of a polymer. I’ll try to find that and attach it to a post soon.
4. Cleaning, such as degassing and filtering is usually done to increase the purity of polymers, e.g. to extract solvents, gaseous products and other modificators. That should only cauise problems with print quality when recycling other plastic waste, because the resulting filament will be “dirty”.
Hi im just wondering if anyone has any experience with the strooder and what they think of it. Thanks
I don’t think that it’s already available. It says November on their website I think.
He Tobias,
Thanks again! Great info. If you can find that graphic that would be awesome. Have a nice vacation and I will let you know if I have any questions.
This is a great overview of whats available! Thanks for posting.