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Jul 2015

He Tobias,

Thanks again! Great info. If you can find that graphic that would be awesome. Have a nice vacation :wink: and I will let you know if I have any questions.


I just had a small discussion yesterday with my girlfriend as we where driving home…

her biggest question was: What does it cost for a extruder and shredder versus a roll of PLA…

had to tell her that an extruder was about 2500 dkk… a shredder of decent quality about the same…

then running cost… about 80 dkk for 1 kg af pellets and they are not easy to find…

now she laughed when i told her that i could get a roll of pla for about 50-60 delivered…

does it make much sense to bother recycle?

Hi @Davide_14,

I think it only matters when you have enough volume.

In my case the recycling part is not financialy interesting to do myself.

But I think it is very important do research in this area, cause it can make a huge different for the enviroment.

Another part is, you can create custom colors. In this area it can be interesting to experiment with that. On the other hand.

Most situations you can paint the printed parts.

Hi @Boelle, this is a very interesting discussion and in general I agree with @studioK that it all depends on what you find important.

In the case of using new pellets to produce filament this would be mainly a decision based on the financial benefit which in turn is mostly determined indeed by the volume you produce. If you want to buy these pellets I don’t think they are that hard to find by the way. @colorfabb and @filabot are for instance two companies that sell ABS and PLA pellets meant for 3D printing specifically.

In case you can use your old prints or even other types of waste this of course would improve the business case even more and indeed would benefit the environment. So for me I think it is definitely a useful research area although I can understand that there are definitely cases in which simply ordering spools of filament is preferable.

