I just got ctc dual extruder makerbot /replicator clone but am getting a little confused what I actually have… Its on 7.2 firmware(according too replicatorg 40r33 and printer says creator firmware is 1.0
A photo would help. But I’m guessing you have what CTC call “Bizer”, which is a clone of the flash forge creator, which is in itself a clone of the makerbot replicator dual.
Well if it were me, I’d skip any stock updates (if there are any - I doubt it ) and install sailfish 7.7. Use the Flashforge creator variant, it is the most appropriate for the CTC and will get you features not available in the base replicator flavour of sailfish.
Sounds like you just have a standard CTC Bizer dual. Was it an eBay purchase by any chance? Personally I wouldn’t mess with the firmware. I’m getting some great results with a couple of hardware mods and Simplify3d software.
The sailfish or not debate has been done a lot of times on here and on other boards. To summarise though, it’s not essential, but it’s not really risky either.
But it there’s no point on day 3 of ownership. Get used to what you’ve got first. Play with it, play with the software.
If if you’re going to print PLA then you really MUST sort out a cooling fan for the print head. You won’t get great prints until you do.
Most at people end up printing “active cooling duct v2” which is on thingiverse. You’ll need to add a component soldered on to the mightyboard to make it work though.
Good luck. Print and if it’s not coming out right, take pictures and ask for help here.
What will changing to sailfish firmware actually give me??? still a little puzzled … and whats everyone using for printing/design software? Finally whats the best mods/etc to use?
thank you to everyone who has replied and offered advise etc
I use Simplify3d and haven’t changed the printer firmware from stock. I’m getting great prints (check the photos in my hub and lookup multirotorpilot on Instagram), so really can’t see why it’d be worth messing with the firmware but interested to know others opinions.
A lot of people seriously overstate the benefits, but then a lot of people make out like there are significant risks or that it’s difficult, which it isn’t.
The benefits that I notice:
- smoother acceleration makes the printer quieter
- you can hear extruders and HBP simultaneously (with the Flashforge version of sailfish)(faster time to print)
- the levelling wizard is much better and easier to use