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4 / 14
Jul 2016

How do I know what machine I have??

I just got ctc dual extruder makerbot /replicator clone but am getting a little confused what I actually have… Its on 7.2 firmware(according too replicatorg 40r33 and printer says creator firmware is 1.0

any advice is welcome and thank you


A photo would help. But I’m guessing you have what CTC call “Bizer”, which is a clone of the flash forge creator, which is in itself a clone of the makerbot replicator dual.

will take one later… if what you say is correct which model do I choose when I update firmware?


A lot of people seriously overstate the benefits, but then a lot of people make out like there are significant risks or that it’s difficult, which it isn’t.

The benefits that I notice:

- smoother acceleration makes the printer quieter

- you can hear extruders and HBP simultaneously (with the Flashforge version of sailfish)(faster time to print)

- the levelling wizard is much better and easier to use

- enhanced in print status screens

none of that is essential, but then, why not?