It’s time to unleash your 3D powers, we’ve teamed up with Instructables for the biggest 3D printing contest of 2016!
The challenge: write an Instructable about your 3D printed creations sharing how you did it, and submit your project to the contest to win some of the awesome prizes. Did we say prizes? You can win 15 (!) of the best 3D printers today in 3 different categories:
Best Instructable (open category):
3D models, projects with 3D printed parts, or any other 3D printing-related project.
Prizes: 1BEETHEFIRST 1, CEL Robox 1, Craftbot Plus, LulzBot Mini 1, DeltaWASP, MakerGear M2, Witbox 2, Rostock Max 1, Ultimaker 2 Extended+ 2
Ultimaker prizes for best fully 3D printable Instructable:
Projects that are 100% printable or just need a few screws to get their final shape and function.
Prizes: 61Ultimaker 2 Extended+ 2, Ultimaker 2+, Ultimaker 2 Go 1
Zortrax prizes for best health-related project:
Assistive technology, ergonomic builds, bio related, or anything that makes lives better.
Prizes: 613X Zortrax M200
The contest runs until the Jun 27, 2016 (11:59pm PT), so make sure to submit your entries before the deadline.
Sounds great? If you have any questions, feel free to ask here and I’ll be happy to answer.
Best of luck and happy making!
Apr '16last reply
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