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Sep 2018

I have to date seen only one update for the firmware and it was posted to you tube video. I would like to get the configuration.h file, or better so that I can create my own updates and add tweaks. Has any one already gotten this file from an official source or done the leg work to generate one?

I think I have most of the data needed to generate a file myself but am not sure of the controller board that they use.

Current Firmware is “Marlin 1.1.4”
Mainboard is “i3Mini V1.1 WH”
Ramps: unknown
APU: ATMEGA 2560 16AU 1730
Memory: Unknown

Found: garychen99 (WANHAO 3D PRINTER ) · GitHub 670
Who has posted two folders for the i3Mini under slightly different names, both generated the same night. Looking to see if there was a configuration.h customized for the printer, I cannot tell if any configuration was saved. I also suspect the version (1.1.1) found there is OLDER than than the version (1.1.4) my printer shipped with. However something deeper in must have been altered as there is notes regarding a bug fix applied to correct an issue with the z-axis.

Here is to hoping some one else out there would like to get involved.

2 months later


I am also looking for Wanhao Duplicator i3 mini HEX file, as seen on you-tube - (Mickey Wanhao)

Having tried the GitHub i3mini.rar download, I could not get it to compile in Arduino IDE 1.8.5 (or earlier 1.6.4) , as I too have the problem of unknown board, in fact unlisted board. I just get blank fields if I use Tools>Get Board Info, so your extract helps. I now know the board title, and that is a Mega/2560 Mega based, which is a step forward. having said that nothing like it appears in my Tools>Board list. I am only a very casual user of Arduino, so cannot begin to solve this part of the puzzle.

Did you get any further with this?

13 days later
23 days later

I have flashed hex that was provided from Mikey, and all is good BUT im missing option to level bed, andyone know solution? or how to accesses it? since on my printer now its MIA

I remember there being a flag in the files to turn that option on and off but i do not recall where. For the time being, if you run Simplify 3D they have a function built in that does much the same thing as it just moves the head to each corner and Z=0. You still have to turn the screw until it is set right. You should also be able to use a control panel to either send hand written code to tell the head where to go.

i just got .hex file from wanhao Mikey, as i know its complied and i cant change anything in it?, i wrote to him about this and he sent me original hex, but i want bigger print are those 20mm from Z means alot to me, guess ill have to use simplify 3d for leveling for now :frowning:

I can put the hex on a google drive somewhere , or you can use the TH3 Unified firmware and compiel yourself and uplaod that one, that way you have 1.1.18 Marlin as well with all that comes with it.