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15 / 26
Sep 2018

I have since emailed Mikey at Wanhao. He kindly sent me a HEX version of the V1.3(B) firmware, which will load though Cura >Machine>Install Custom Firmware. The only problem is: my Board appears to have an older version of EEPROM, so the printer, which was working apart from a temperature readout offset of +43 degrees, is now not working at all. I have no recovery from this unless Mikey sends me a compatible (older?) HEX file.

I too am thinking about swapping out for a RAMPS 1.4 + LCD Display, which is considerably cheaper than a replacement Wanhao board. I would prefer not to do this, as the space requirements are much greater, and will undoubtedly require some sort of external casework.

I hope to obtain all the required settings for Ramps 1.4 Marlin Configuration.h, in the i3mini.rar Configuration.h file

Cura option to ‘Install Default Firmware’ is greyed out, which is a shame, as this would be the best option. I was disappointed not to find this on the supplied SD card.

Mikey kindly sent 3 versions of the HEX file, and i3mini-wanhao-v1.3.hex installed correctly, and solved the issue.

i3mini-wanhao-130X160X130.hex Also worked, with increased travel, a different display, and other Advanced menu changes.

13 days later

is there any chance you can share that 130x160x130 file somewhere on google or so ?


I would be happy to do so, but don’t know how to ‘share’ the file through the forum.

If you need the file, soon, perhaps you could contact Mikey at wanhao , his email address is on their website.

thank you for your reply.

maybe through google drive or similar ?

I recompiled the firmware that was published but can not get past 130X 155Y 110 Z
just want to check if the enhanced bed firmware you have would work at all


You’re welcome. Google drive is beyond me, I have no access, no real experience, or knowledge on how to share files.

The Hex file, installed through Cura , works perfectly. Best contact Wanhao direct

You are both lucky if you are getting more than 150mm. Mine I get X115, Y135, Z100. Travel is limited physically, I will need a mod to make it any bigger.

Suspected the file supplied by Mikey is an older revision of the firmware 1.1.4 and for sure not the same settings as the OEM. Getting a hold of Power Spec is harder than reaching Wanhao.


I only got this printer a week ago, and have yet to confirm actual travel, but HEX file works. This is the file name

Cannot comment on firmware version, but Standard firmware file name supplied by Mikey, at the same time, is i3mini-wanhao-v1.3.hex

With regard to contacting Wanhao: I have found them to be really good, with quick response times, and good answers. Just have to allow for time difference.

23 days later

In what version he has fixed z? 1.3 or 130x160x130 hex?