I am also looking for Wanhao Duplicator i3 mini HEX file, as seen on you-tube - (Mickey Wanhao)
Having tried the GitHub i3mini.rar download, I could not get it to compile in Arduino IDE 1.8.5 (or earlier 1.6.4) , as I too have the problem of unknown board, in fact unlisted board. I just get blank fields if I use Tools>Get Board Info, so your extract helps. I now know the board title, and that is a Mega/2560 Mega based, which is a step forward. having said that nothing like it appears in my Tools>Board list. I am only a very casual user of Arduino, so cannot begin to solve this part of the puzzle.
Did you get any further with this?
Yes I suppose I do have a small amount of information to share as per updates but maybe not as much as you are hoping for. No I have not successfully compiled my own yet either I would happily share that if I had. When I get home this evening I will try to remember to repost excerpts from my communications with wanhao.
They say that the information posted there and on the YouTube video is the most recent version of the firmware.
I suppose also that it is perhaps not without an attempt to test running my own compile just to see what would happen. As I am looking to potentially replace the motherboard and print head with custom components. Though I would rather retain this Hardware in operational condition as a backup.
Hi Rymond;
How are you? The email was too long. I am hoping you get all your answers hre in this gibhub link.
The latest version we released was the one I attached to this email.
Technical Support
When pressed about 1.1.8 revision or the data needed to compile our own. This the reply I got.
Hi Rymond;
The information I have are what I could provide, If there is anything more we would release it on facebook page.
Technical Support
I did also take a little bit of time to use a comparative file checker to analyze the directory and file differences between the different uploads to the I3 section of GitHub. And although you would think that each of the posts were essentially the exact same thing for the same printer there are some noticeable differences. However I somewhat lost interest in the hunt and did not finish this Expedition. A thorough analysis based on date in an assumed identical revision between them may reveal more data that is useful to us in custom compiling assuming that the entire repository is there for an I3 specifically.
I have since emailed Mikey at Wanhao. He kindly sent me a HEX version of the V1.3(B) firmware, which will load though Cura >Machine>Install Custom Firmware. The only problem is: my Board appears to have an older version of EEPROM, so the printer, which was working apart from a temperature readout offset of +43 degrees, is now not working at all. I have no recovery from this unless Mikey sends me a compatible (older?) HEX file.
I too am thinking about swapping out for a RAMPS 1.4 + LCD Display, which is considerably cheaper than a replacement Wanhao board. I would prefer not to do this, as the space requirements are much greater, and will undoubtedly require some sort of external casework.
I hope to obtain all the required settings for Ramps 1.4 Marlin Configuration.h, in the i3mini.rar Configuration.h file
Cura option to ‘Install Default Firmware’ is greyed out, which is a shame, as this would be the best option. I was disappointed not to find this on the supplied SD card.
Mikey kindly sent 3 versions of the HEX file, and i3mini-wanhao-v1.3.hex installed correctly, and solved the issue.
i3mini-wanhao-130X160X130.hex Also worked, with increased travel, a different display, and other Advanced menu changes.
is there any chance you can share that 130x160x130 file somewhere on google or so ?
I would be happy to do so, but don’t know how to ‘share’ the file through the forum.
If you need the file, soon, perhaps you could contact Mikey at wanhao , his email address is on their website.
thank you for your reply.
maybe through google drive or similar ?
I recompiled the firmware that was published but can not get past 130X 155Y 110 Z
just want to check if the enhanced bed firmware you have would work at all
You’re welcome. Google drive is beyond me, I have no access, no real experience, or knowledge on how to share files.
The Hex file, installed through Cura , works perfectly. Best contact Wanhao direct
You are both lucky if you are getting more than 150mm. Mine I get X115, Y135, Z100. Travel is limited physically, I will need a mod to make it any bigger.
Suspected the file supplied by Mikey is an older revision of the firmware 1.1.4 and for sure not the same settings as the OEM. Getting a hold of Power Spec is harder than reaching Wanhao.
I only got this printer a week ago, and have yet to confirm actual travel, but HEX file works. This is the file name
Cannot comment on firmware version, but Standard firmware file name supplied by Mikey, at the same time, is i3mini-wanhao-v1.3.hex
With regard to contacting Wanhao: I have found them to be really good, with quick response times, and good answers. Just have to allow for time difference.
as can be see way back at the start, 1.3 is the ONLY thing that Wanhao has offered, amd have seen all flavors of it but not installed as I suspect they are older versions of Marlin.
Mine is 1.1.4 as from Powerspec. Though it clearly states this one is a Wanhao i3 Mini. (details in OP).
I would like to update to 1.1.8, but lack the specific configuration.h data, and a few other tweaks for the Mini. If I can round this up, I will make it available so that every one has the ability to generate updates for their machine as needed.
Manualy sending code M501, then M503, should result in a fairly solid regurgitation of just about everything the PCB is able to tell you.
Sample provided for putput. Do not try to use codes that are listed as output less you are ready for bad thinsg to happen or know how to use all of these codes. Please only use M501 and M503 to grab a data dump. M303, Numbers generated if your firmware supports the function, are to added to the Configuration file. Do not use if you are not looking to re-calibrate your heater data.
FIRMWARE_NAME:Marlin 1.1.4 (Github)
SOURCE_CODE_URL: GitHub - MarlinFirmware/Marlin: Marlin is an optimized firmware for RepRap 3D printers based on the Arduino platform. | Many commercial 3D printers come with Marlin installed. Check with your vendor if you need source code for your specific machine.
Marlin 1.1.4
Last Updated: 2017-07-04 12:00 | Author: (none, default config)
Compiled: Nov 2 2017
Free Memory: 3261 PlannerBufferBytes: 1232
V12 stored settings retrieved (445 bytes; crc 10054)
G21 ; Units in mm
M149 C ; Units in Celsius
Filament settings: Disabled
M200 D1.75
M200 D0
Steps per unit:
M92 X80.00 Y80.00 Z400.00 E94.00
Maximum feedrates (units/s):
M203 X300.00 Y300.00 Z5.00 E25.00
Maximum Acceleration (units/s2):
M201 X3000 Y3000 Z100 E3000
Acceleration (units/s2): P<print_accel> R<retract_accel> T<travel_accel>
M204 P800.00 R800.00 T1000.00
Advanced: S<min_feedrate> T<min_travel_feedrate> B<min_segment_time_ms> X<max_xy_jerk> Z<max_z_jerk> E<max_e_jerk>
M205 S0.00 T0.00 B20000 X10.00 Y10.00 Z0.40 E1.00
Home offset:
M206 X0.00 Y0.00 Z0.00
Mesh Bed Leveling:
M420 S0 Z0.00
G29 S3 X1 Y1 Z0.00000
G29 S3 X2 Y1 Z0.00000
G29 S3 X1 Y2 Z0.00000
G29 S3 X2 Y2 Z0.00000
Material heatup parameters:
M145 S0 H244 B70 F0
M145 S1 H240 B110 F0
PID settings:
M301 P32.50 I2.86 D92.52
LCD Contrast:
M250 C200
Z-Probe Offset (mm):
M851 Z0.00
Active Extruder: 0
echo:SD card ok
Kp 32.50
Ki 2.85
Kd 92.52
September 26, 2018, 12:19am
I have flashed hex that was provided from Mikey, and all is good BUT im missing option to level bed, andyone know solution? or how to accesses it? since on my printer now its MIA
I remember there being a flag in the files to turn that option on and off but i do not recall where. For the time being, if you run Simplify 3D they have a function built in that does much the same thing as it just moves the head to each corner and Z=0. You still have to turn the screw until it is set right. You should also be able to use a control panel to either send hand written code to tell the head where to go.
September 26, 2018, 8:26am
i just got .hex file from wanhao Mikey, as i know its complied and i cant change anything in it?, i wrote to him about this and he sent me original hex, but i want bigger print are those 20mm from Z means alot to me, guess ill have to use simplify 3d for leveling for now
I can put the hex on a google drive somewhere , or you can use the TH3 Unified firmware and compiel yourself and uplaod that one, that way you have 1.1.18 Marlin as well with all that comes with it.
September 26, 2018, 6:16pm
Care to explain, whats config of your hex and its for i3 mini right?