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17 / 26
Sep 2018

I have since emailed Mikey at Wanhao. He kindly sent me a HEX version of the V1.3(B) firmware, which will load though Cura >Machine>Install Custom Firmware. The only problem is: my Board appears to have an older version of EEPROM, so the printer, which was working apart from a temperature readout offset of +43 degrees, is now not working at all. I have no recovery from this unless Mikey sends me a compatible (older?) HEX file.

I too am thinking about swapping out for a RAMPS 1.4 + LCD Display, which is considerably cheaper than a replacement Wanhao board. I would prefer not to do this, as the space requirements are much greater, and will undoubtedly require some sort of external casework.

I hope to obtain all the required settings for Ramps 1.4 Marlin Configuration.h, in the i3mini.rar Configuration.h file

Cura option to ‘Install Default Firmware’ is greyed out, which is a shame, as this would be the best option. I was disappointed not to find this on the supplied SD card.

Mikey kindly sent 3 versions of the HEX file, and i3mini-wanhao-v1.3.hex installed correctly, and solved the issue.

i3mini-wanhao-130X160X130.hex Also worked, with increased travel, a different display, and other Advanced menu changes.

13 days later

is there any chance you can share that 130x160x130 file somewhere on google or so ?

23 days later

In what version he has fixed z? 1.3 or 130x160x130 hex?