Hi Hans – I’m not in the Netherlands (I’m in the UK), but I’ve owned an M3D Micro for a couple of months now if you have anything specific you’d like answering?
Also not in the Netherlands (US), but happy to answer questions as well.
Yes, I am also curious about the capabilities of the Iris.
Delivery takes so long
Maybe someone in the Netherlands has already the printer
I have already created a site on Google+ where you can share information about this printer
You’re welcome
Hey @ @voscoleccion how’s your experience so far with MIcro3D? We noticed an increase in new M3D Hubs owners and would love to see more of you guys showing off your prints! Cheers
Thanks for sharing! Hope you’ll share some of the best practices with our M3D community on Talk Cheers
@gabriela3d Here’s a fun print M3D Micro – Stripy Duck With Home-Spliced Filament - YouTube 9
I’m enjoying the experience so far. My Micro’s been printing pretty much every day for the last couple of months with almost all of the print failures being down to me rather than it. It’s a small, neat, smart looking, quiet 3D printer that requires very little fettling (as M3D start to perfect the self-calibration).
There’s a whole host of M3D Micro videos (a how-to on unblocking the nozzle plus a number of time-lapses etc.) on my YouTube channel. 4
Haha! That’s perfect!
Yeah, it is a great little printer. The beta software is being updated about once a month, and just keeps getting better. I have been printing with mine everyday for the last month or longer, I even just took it on an 8 hour road trip, plugged it in and started printing with it, didn’t even need to calibrate.
I am currently trying to print this, I’ll post the results when it is done.
Any of you guys printed a Marvin on it? I’d love to try this machine!
I have, it is on my page.
3DPrinthings webshop (www.3dprinthings.be) is een van de weinige Europese webshops die The Micro, M3D filament en toebehoren (nozzle, buildtak sheet…) verdelen. De keuze voor deze printer is gebaseerd op eigen goede ervaringen na de Kickstarter campagne.
Op onze Facebookpagina staat een ruime selectie van de prints die we maakten met The Micro:
Gebruikte filamenten zijn M3D PLA en Octofiber PLA, welke we ook in ons assortiment hebben.
We zijn van plan via onze nieuwsbrief regelmatig tips te geven over prints die je met The Micro kunt maken, dus indien interesse, kun je je inschrijven op onze nieuwsbrief.